
Wednesday, October 31, 2012



School has been really really tiring. 
Its draining me out mentally and physically.
All i think about it sleep, sleep, sleep and more sleep.
I even wore pants that felt like Pjs today to school and i really don't give a damn.

However, i got home yesterday with a parcel sitting on my bed.
I have no idea where the energy in me came from, but i got excited all over again!

My new clothes were here and i was goddamn happy!! hehehe

Let me introduce you to......

Shop at Xccelerate if you're that grungy, biker chic girl. 
You'll find everything they offer on their online boutique really eye catching and its the pitstop for trendy styles that would make you stand out from the crowd. 

I immediately chose the following items without hesitating.
I was sponsored....

A Metallic Jacquard Skirt.

(Sorry for the bad quality of the pictures, i need to get some proper lightings for my DIY shoots)

I am in need for bottoms since i can't get enough of tops.
So i jumped at the opportunity to get such a pretty METALLIC skirt.

Yes girls, its metallic. If you don't already know, it makes anything look better in an instant.
Even when it comes into the context of doing my school work, i always add this factor into my design so that it'll look pretty without much effort being put in. hehe

Though its metallic, its super versatile and easy to mix and match. Match it with some white and look fresh and clean. Or play it up by throwing on a leather jacket and go bad ass.

Next, i also received...

A Crochet Parka Hoodie.

Was that clear enough? No?
Its fine, let me repeat that.

I am a fan of Crochets and Parkas!!
In fact i need a new Parka outerwear and i finally have it.
The crochet part of this hoodies made everything looked so pretty and unique from all the other parkas thats in the market now.

And if you don't own a parka, i would recommend you to get one.
Cause if you're feeling lazy one day and feel like dressing down in just denim shorts and a tank, throw on a parka and you'll look good enough in an instant.

Do like their Facebook page at and follow them on Twitter at for more updates.

Also, what made me really happy when i ripped open their parcel was a super duper sweet note they left for me along with the items. Its really nice to know that there's people out there who don't really know me personally but still cares for me :)


Also, quote my name "Eunice" and you will be entitled $1 off per item.
Promotion is only exclusive for all new arrivals and valid for a period of 1 month from 31st October.


I have never really shopped online before even though i am in this industry. hehehe

So i never really knew what a "pre-order" store is.
Let me explain first before getting on with one of my favorite pre order stores :)

instead of having the stocks with the online store waiting for you to be ordered, the stocks are else where with the supplier, not ordered. So they will only be packed and arrive at the online store when you make the order. What makes this so special is that, theres no limits to how many different designs and items there are available on the online store. Most blogshops have at most 30 apparels personally picked per collection, but a pre-order store might have up to 70/80 over items. So there's always something that everyone can choose. The variety is endless, from leather jackets to floral dresses.
And thats why i love pre-order stores.
I get to choose anything i want without being limited to the choices made by the blogshops/online boutiques themselves.
But of course, with such pros, there will be cons as well.
You have to wait longer for the items to arrive in your hands.
Then again, good things always have to wait :)

Now, let me introduce you to...

I have always heard the name "roseateposy" but i've never really went to type it out and view their stuffs.

Roseateposy offers so many PRETTY PRETTY stuffs!
Going through the list of things they offer, i wanted to die.
I had to pick 2 items but i had like 8 on my list.
It was pretty sad narrowing down everything to just 2 items.
And i will definitely go back for more in the future. hehehe

I was sponsored...

A Daisy Knitted Cropped Pullover

Its knitted, cropped and full of daisies :):):)
In additional, i was also given a Givenchy inspired hat!!!!
I was so excited to receive it cause the New face girls and i were all clamoring over the ones we were using for the finals a month a ago!
Plus its probably one of the most trendiest items now!
I will use it to school one day.. Stare at me all you want guys. i love it.

In fact i wore it the moment i received it 3 days ago!

picture meant for my next post. hahaha
If you've watched my Room Tour Vlog, you would have probably heard me said that i don't own a pair of white shoes apart from my mom's.

I was sponsored a pair of...

PU heels in white!!!

I love it.
The height is just right and i can wear it to school often.
If you're afraid of unstable heels that might end you up with a sprained ankle, fear not, these heels are super comfy and im sure it'll be able to last me the whole day standing and walking about.
As soon as this hectic week is over, i will dress up more and put on some height with these babies.

There aren't any sprees at the moment but do check back again after Halloween.
I will without a doubt. I want moreeee!!!

Do visit RoseAtePosy
now at

3) En Vogue

Was that too much for you to handle?
I hope not cause you wouldn't wanna miss out on this pre-order store as well!!!

En Vogue offers a wide range of apparels as well as accessories.
When i was approached by them for an advert, i couldn't wait to pick the items that i want.
Since i usually pick just two, i bought one item from them as well.
You'll know why later. Its gorgeous.

But first, you might wanna know the details for the PREORDER #2 :)

So since the items will only arrive on the 27th, i don't have pictures of me in them yet :(
But i wanna tell everyone what i picked from this preorder!!!

I picked...

A Powder Pink Lace Dress

Gold Glitter Heels

I bought a pair of PINK HEELS for myself. heheheheh 
(laughs hysterically) 
How can I not??

and i'll be wearing it often too.
I can't wait for them to arrive :(:(

There are also many other items which may appeal to you more apart from my pink heels.

Get your hands on these precious items fast before its all gone.
Remember that PreOrder #2 closes on the 10th Nov.

Visit now and shop away girls :):)


(will be back soon with updates and a vlog)

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