
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

M A K E U P x A R C Y L I C N A I L S

I realized i talk a lot about make up and beauty products and vanity on my blog.
Not so much about school and fashion, more on beauty.
Some times i wonder if i should be studying fashion at all since i adore beauty so much.
Yes, yes, call me a bimbo.

But hello? Isn't that how the world is now?
Everyone's always finding ways to improve their appearance, be it with the clothes they wear, the products they use or the amount of knives they go through.
All for the sake of looking good. (unless of you're the lazy, idgaf sort)

I personally think it is important to look good.
Cause the obvious happens, you look good, you'll feel good.
And jyeah, you'll feel more confident and blah blah blah, 
you kids out there know what im talking bout.

Before i ramble on again, i should start talking about my point.
Basically, im just gonna upload another make up tutorial.

And hell yeh, its the one so many of you out there (hi btw!) have been asking for :)

Well, my definition of a studio make up that is.
Please keep your expectations low, 
i have to repeat, i am not a professional make up artist and i do not own a degree in make up and stuffs. 
Just your average girl next door doing what she thinks should be done to look good enough for a shoot in a studio :)

So here it is FOLKS!

I think after the link, nobody would be interested to read on. 
But oh wells!
Im just gonna blog about my experience doing acrylic nail extensions to both of my thumbs.

I have never been a fan of keeping my nails long.
I found it gross, like i felt as if the germs were all stucked at the back of the nails.
But i realized how my fingers appeared much more feminine and "sexy" with them.
So i kept my nails long and went for regular manicure sessions. hehehe

Recently, I missed out on one of the sessions and my two thumb nails broke :(
The rest of my nails felt so soft and i didn't wanna wait any long and risk losing another nail.

So i got them done at PINC. 
And the manicurist told me to get extensions for the broken nails.
And me, being a rather impulsive shopper, said yes.
It was 12bucks for a nail and i did Gelish and classic mani.
So yeah, you can guess the bill was a huge hole in my pocket.

Nonetheless, it was worth a shot and watching the manicurists apply the gel was really fascinating.
I wasn't used to it at first, 
i had difficulty typing since the nail kept hitting onto my phone's screen and i couldn't even button my own shirt.
But things got better, and it was worth the money after all.

(p.s. Im gonna get a camera soon, if you guys know of any that would be great for me to capture my moments or for me to cam-whore, please drop me a comment in my formspring account on the right >>>
Thanks guys <3 )

