
Monday, December 17, 2012

Cray Cray weekend

My weekend was insane. Not even just my weekend, in fact it was the last whole week.
Okay i sound like an annoying complaining bitch. Haha. Just wanna put across how proud i am of myself. I accomplished quite a bit over the last week and here's my holiday! 

Well... for two weeks only and its back to school. Which im totally not looking forward to :( My time table sucks. Its from 3pm to 9pm!!!!! Hear that?!?!?! There goes time to spend with Fai and there goes time to do shoots... haiz...there goes my money. To what? school... and what class is that may you ask? PUBLIC SPEAKING... no comments. its not as if im not afraid to speak in public already?! plus its not as if i don't know how to carry myself out properly in public. WHY EUNICE? WHY?!?! can i cry? :(

Before that bullshit happens, here's a summary of my weekend :)
DAY 1 - Saturday 15th Dec
In conjunction with Maybelline, all your favorite blogshops/labels (HollyHoque, Yesah, TheJuiceMarket, Catwalkclose, and more!) were at Scape last Sat for a flea & a small fashion showcase of their apparels and the new Colour Tattoo 24Hr product, more on that in future.

Sophia from TheJuiceMarket once again participated in another fashion show and again she asked me to model for her! ^^ she also asked Francesca this time ^^
Thats us during fittings, before hair and make up. Don't judge.
And welcome backstage! :)
Look who else is here! Its Jaclyn, owner and model of Shop Skinned!
Also, the wonderful, caring and loving Acelyn, owner of Chaceylove! <3
Not forgetting the beautiful Sophia from Juice Market! hehe
And here i got my hair and make up done already! Need to get a new hair curler. See how nice my hair looks here with a thicker hair curler! :( Wish someone would get me that for Christmas.
And gorgeous Francesca or Frannies (inside joke) getting make up done! hehehe
Camwhore session begins.
Francesca and i got Painted Purple for our Colour Tattoo eye make up. Lucky us. hahaha
Oh yes and my sore eyes came back halfway. siann...
And my baby Fai Fai came to visit and watch the show too! hehee
I made a mistake on the runway though. HAHA
We had to hold up cards of what eye make up we're wearing and i held my card upside down. Damn so embarrassing... No wonder people were giggling lah. You see im not perfect! haha
photo with the lovely Acelyn :)
And TEAM JUICEMARKET! *punch* hehe
FAI, why you so cute?
And that concludes SATURDAY! I had a blast at the Fashion show! Glad that Fai made friends with Daniel (Sophia's bf aka SUSULAN) while waiting for us to be done. Thank you Sophia for the new clothes and can't wait for our lunch/dinner date <3
SUNDAY 16TH - this was the cray cray day. The night before, i hung out with Fai and his friends till about 3 plus? so i only had 3 hours to sleep since i had to be at Habour Front mrt station the next morning for a shoot at 8.45... And i had to pack the stuffs i needed to bring for the flea too! I had a hard time getting up, but i did eventually and cabbed down for OOTD's outdoor shoot with the talented and lovely Fiona Sng aka Smitten Pixels
check her out for outdoor shoots. she's amazing. will share some of her works later! 
Here's Cleo and Fiona! Owner of OOTD and the wonderful photographer that people in the blogshop industry must all know about. hehehe
MQ doesn't want a photo cause he's drenched from holding an umbrella for Fiona while she snapped away some shots for OOTD's new shoot. Such dedicated people. Awesome to work with. They went for lunch without me after sending me off for the flea :( SO SAD :( but we'll meet again soon! Take care Fiona if you're reading this! Mucks!
Some behind the scenes shots! HEHEHE here's a special guess called Nachos! He's so freaking fluffy and disciplined! I really want one :(:( Another Christmas wish. 
You don't wanna miss out on OOTD's next launch. It's gonna be freaking awesome and i've already gotten the stuffs i want hehehe. First come first serve kay! Their stuffs gets sold out fast. 
PART 2 of Sunday. 
Some how everyones connected in this industry and a few blogshops that i've worked with decided to set up a warehouse sale! Which i must say was unexpectedly very successful! Im very proud of Ashincans and Ellysage and Lastbusride and everyone else there! Heard that they sold alot of stuffs! When i went over to Ashincans' booth, its was so nostalgic!!! Every piece i picked up, i had some memories with it. hehehe so touched and happy. Its been 2 years already and Ashincans is still going strong! <3

Valerie Wang, Rachel Wong and I were the 3 bloggers that were invited to be a part of the flea as well!!
I shared a table with Val since we didn't had much to sell and here's our rack!
Its colour coordinated. hahaha All thanks to the arty fartsy Valerie.
We had a table too which we kept trying to fold the stuffs nicely on but it would get messy eventually cause the crowd was crazy! It was super duper packed. Which was awesome, i made quite a bit of sales and managed to sell almost all my stuffs. They were really cheap okay! Like 5-10 bucks? Val and Fai kept asking me to sell for higher price but i couldn't. Whenever someone asked me "how much?" i just say 5. hahaha but i did try to increase prices for some since they cost more anyway.
Camwhore again. hahaha
This was the end when we were closed already.
And the whole team together! SO MUCH LOVE <3 <3 <3 
Next, fai and i wer craving for some pasta. Val recommended that we go to Ambush at J8. Its next to Gong Cha <3
Its super good. Price is affordable and there's a wide variety. Must go try!
I ate the Wild Salmon Thai Sauce something something... it was good but not as good as what Fai had!!! I was so jelly but he shared it with me. hehehe
He had the Crispy Chicken Aglio Olio!!! THE BEST I'VE EVER TASTED. Just nice, not very oily and the chicken is the bomb.
Thank you my dearest boyfriend for helping me out with the flea. Driving me here and there to pick up more clothes in the middle of the flea and coming back later on to fetch me. It wouldn't be the same without <3
YUP. and my sore eyes.
I KO-ed after at Fai's place again and that sweetheart boy went down to buy me ice cream after <3
Feeling so much love. I miss him already :( and my stupid school time table isn't gonna help.
I went home after and K.O again.
Woke up today at 2pm with my eyes glued together again. (signs of conjunctivitis) and couldn't go for PMT's shoot which i was looking forward to. sighhh :(
Anyway, here's some stuffs I've done with Fiona aka Smitten Pixels!
STRUTTT's shoot.
And here's some recently for PMT!
She's freaking good right?!?!?!?
The colour and angle and everything, its all right and every model loves working with her.
She's into couples and stuffs too so we'll see what we can work out soon <3

Oh and i wanna do something bout my hair! What should i do? hmm...

Thats about it folks! Will be back soon with a new Vlog! cant wait! hehehe


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