
Saturday, January 26, 2013

SPECIAL 19th {part 3} <3

Apart from school, everything has been going really well so far this 2013 :)

School is school, the usual annoyance i get from going to class and just sitting here listening to lectures. I hate it. I don't see a point in spending time travelling all the way to Tampines just to sit (or sleep) in class listening to stuffs you can probably learn on your very own. And i hate the attendance system in TP. Urgh. It never used to be like that before my batch joined. 

Basically, you gotta have at least 85% of attendance for every module. Which made me think that i can pon school for 3 days. But i was so wrong. The maximum is 2 days (unless you have mc). Due to my "mis-calculation", im just gonna get an NGP for one of the module i was doing. NGP is short for Non-Grading Pass. Which wil definitely affect my EPA. Great.  

On a happier note, i had a great birthday this year!
Fai put in so much effort with the help of my family and friends and gave me a sweet surprise at W Hotel. It was really touching and i felt really special indeed.
Furthermore, i was greeted with more surprises over the last couple of days. Elaine from Ashincans surprised me with a cake and every year, she never fails to get me a birthday gift. So nice :)
And theres more!!
Check this out :)

Yummy Chocolate Cake <3
Too happy while they sang me my birthday song. hehehe
And if you're wondering, my top is from VogueAvenue and Fur Cadi from TJM <3
Unglam shot. hahaha
This is Fiona aka Smitten Pixels and Acelyn owner of Chaceylove <3
Joining them in this pic is Jocelyn owner of STRUTTT  <3
That wasn't a surprise cause Pei Hong from NLS already asked me a few days earlier what sorta cake i like. hahaha
But the surprise was what they did after!!!
They brought me to a korean bbq buffet for lunch. Awww!! I love korean bbqs!
I cooked mostly beef. Cause i MAD LOVE beef and i think Acelyn knows that very well already cause the whole time i kept feeding her with beef also. hahaha
Picture with Pei Hong owner of my fav NSL <3 
So thank you Pei Hong, Acelyn, Jocelyn, Fiona and Grace for surprising and celebrating my birthday with me! I am truly touched :):)
GROUP PIC!!!! Love ChaceyBelle (Chaceylove x FaireBelle) studio,
 so many accessories to play with! 
Before the studio shoot, I did an outdoor shoot again!! (starting to prefer doing outdoor shoots. hehehe) 
It was for STRUTTT and the photos are SUPER NICEE!!!!! All thanks to the talented Fiona!
Here's sneaky peaky :)
I love my new hair colour!!! THANK YOU SALONVIM :)
There are so many shots i liked!!! These are just a few.
You don't wanna miss out on this new collection! Fiona and i even got into a fountain for some shots. hahahahahhhahaa!
Behind the scenes :)
Hehehe, going into a restricted area for some more shots. Blogshops going all out yo!
(another reason why i like outdoor shoots, more challenging and risk taking!)
Then back in the studio for NLS :)
My dearest Acelyn <3
Cute accessories hehehehe
And I was finally officially 19.
Thank you everyone who wished me on FB or Twitter or Insta or personally texted me.
I really appreciate it! And im sorry if i can't reply to every single one of your messages but do know that it means alot to me <3
And like i said, I ate 4 cakes. Not just 3. 
The last one came from the shoot i had the very next day :)
It was from my very good friends at OOTD  <3
Firstly, i met their very good friends Kitty and Bosco! They were the special guests i was referring to on my twitter. hahaha
Bosco was really shy so we only shot with Kitty in the end <3
LOOK! Carried him like a baby! So cuteeee!!!
He kept farting though, must be the nerves. ahhahaah
But we got lots of awesome shots!
You can view more on OOTD's FB page -> <3
And after the shoot while i was changing, i heard a lot of whispers going on outside and when i came out, standing right there were Cleo and MQ with a birthday cake for me :) awwwww!!
Thank you MQ for choosing a cookies 'n' cream cake!!! Love it <3
And finally a shot with the lovely Duo!!! Im always so touched by their gestures except when Cleo likes to bully me. hahahaha but other then that, they're really nice people and im glad to have met them!
They even bought me food from JustAcia! Will go there with them again. PROMISE <3
And not forgetting my prezzie!!!! <3
hehehe their cards and notes are always to touching, filled with so much appreciation and gratitude.
Makes me love my job even more.
And it wasn't over! This afternoon, i came back with a new parcel from them as well!
Some new apparels from their latest collection that i love! The floral Bustier, White boyfriend shirt and the velvet quilted minibag <3
Not forgetting the container of CNY goodies! hehehe So cute!
And my new unicorn and join my Eunicorn gang!!! <3
I had a great 19th birthday and i wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. 
Its a great feeling knowing that there are really nice and sincere people in the world that i can count on.
So thank you everyone for putting in so much effort to make me smile on my special 19th.
I love you guys:)



  1. Hi Eunice! May I know where did you buy the shorts you paired with Warpaint Floral Bustier in Struttt's latest collection? Thanks :-)

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