
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

MICA building - odd? queer? suspicious?

I have a bit of free time now and decided to update this space a little.
You know what they say, once you start to stop your habit, you might just stop it for life.
And i don't wanna loose the habit of blogging just yet! 

The past few days have been great! 
Nothing really eventful, just very routine-like, shoot, school, fai, shoot, school, fai. 
Im getting used to it but its draining me out and i just wanna go away for a holiday :(
Fai and i have decided though, that every last weekend of the month, we would go away for a short holiday or a stay-cation. Just to unwind, rejuvenate and get ready to start all over again for another month. This way, we wouldn't feel like we're just constantly working and not getting anything back in return. Plus, we are still young! Gotta stop acting like we're old all the time! 

Today was awesome though! I thought i had a shoot but i misread the date so i could wake up late today! Which for me, is, 11.15am? hahaha, i've been getting up at about 10am over the past couple of days... and i've been getting a hell lot of bad and weird dreams with random people in my life in them. And i can kinda interpretate those dreams? Which makes it even more queer! Like i understand why those people were in my dreams and how i've lead my mind to wander and think about the things that were happening in them... sigh... im thinking too much huh? hahaha

Im feeling all spooked out now.

Anyway, i did a shoot with STRUTTT again yesterday and photographer was my favourite-est FIONA from Smitten Pixels!! 
The set was at MICA building... which is kinda spooky too?? haha
We didn't know anything about it at first. I mean everyone just think its another old building in Singapore along Clarke Quay that has transformed into another usual business-office site. If you guys don't know which building im referring to, its the one across Central Mall, opposite the Bungee. The one with the colorful windows.
I've always noticed this building.. all my life actually.
Whenever i used to head to Helipad, and when Fai and i took a cab down, i've always seen this building. Or whenever i used to take the 851 bus home from the busstop at Central, i've seen it too. And i actually love it! I mean the colors are cute right??

Well, i have a strong feeling that the windows are painted for a reason.. or am i just thinking too much again? hmm...
Me being me, loves to do my research on a particular place before heading down and when Jocelyn(owner of struttt) told me that the location for the shoot was at MICA, i was more then happy to finally be able to sit down and start finding out infos about this rather thought-provoking site.

Apparently, if you would to type "MICA building" on google, the next option that pops out on the search bar would be "MICA building haunted"
AH HAH!!! I knew something was odd about it. Well guys, i am superstitious and believe or not... i have always been able to feel those things that we don't wanna associate with.. if you know what im talking about :) maybe i'll talk about it some other time..

So MICA building used to be an old Police Station and it was used by the Kempeitai (a.k.a Military Police of the Japanese Army) during the Japanese Occupation. It was said that prisoners were held there and even, tortured there. So... torture chambers anyone?

But when we got there, it didn't feel that eerie at all? (except the quiet toilets - which will be good for people who needs peace while taking a dump lah) Probably because of the renovations done..
Looks pretty on the inside actually. What do you think?
Pardon me, the designer in me is speaking up now...
I kinda like the blend of using materials like Granite mix with Glass.. 
Old meets new materials. Interesting.
Preserving heritage but introducing modernity and development.. haha sorry..
Who would have thought a place at this exist? Very peaceful there. If you like art a lot, make a trip down some day, they have tons of exhibitions... well they should uh.
MICA now holds the ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts.. and the Kindness foundation thingy... a lot of humanities thingy...
So what do you think? And i apologize, the pics don't do much justice. You probably think it is haunted cause i've already implanted that in your mind and there's just too much green going on..
Don't you think green makes things a little... scary?? 

Try heading to the toilet at Marriot Hotel.. i can't remember which floor.. but one with a restaurant by the pool.. I went there once for my mom's birthday surprise by my aunt and i dared not go to the toilet on my own because it was FREAKING GREEN... ALSO... I have some stories about that hotel, my aunt told my family and i. hehehe. Some other time perhaps?

Let's lighten things up a bit. hehehe
Here's some behind the scenes shots from STRUTTT's shoot yesterday :)
(note : i did an outdoot shoot before school.... beat my own record)
The next green window to my right in the picture opened to what seems to be a basement.
Which felt really... not right. hahaha
We went to Marble Slab for the last outfit and dessert!!
And also a ghost story sharing session from Fiona.
And here's happy me eating my ice cream away! My fav Cookies 'n' Cream flavour!
Thank you Jocelyn for the treat <3

And thats it guys!
Time's up and i'll be back soon :)

Time for SCHOOL!!!!

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