
Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I haven't been using this space much recently.
However i have been taking photos just so that i have stuffs to blog about! And imma use the time i have now (which is meant for homework.. please don't kill me Amanda) and update this space a little :)
Let's go backwards shall we? Starting with what happened today and all the way back to last weekend.
Here's me in school today. I make it a point to take a mug shot of myself everyday before class starts. hahaha. I don't know why. Just out of pure vanity i guess?
Im wearing a slit shoulder blouse sponsored by my favoritest NOLIPSERVICES a.k.a NLS.
Super loving the high quality knit. 
And i love how simple it is, just a little more unique at the shoulders. Just the right amount of skin to show at school... (though i show more some times.. SOME TIMES only!)
It'll be out in the next collection! Do look out for it :)

Anyway, things in school have been alright...
Just a little stressed lately due to submissions.. And guess what?! Its only the first assignment. 
Shoot me now please?

If it wasn't for shoots before school, i'll probably look worst then i already do in the picture above.
Picture me with no make up and no colored contact lenses =(
So i guess its a blessing in disguise - to have shoots before school everyday.

If you've been following me on twitter or instagram, you would have known that i did 3 different shoots for 3 different blogshops consecutively for 5 hours straight. Not to mentioned, i slept late the night before cause it was spent at Avalon once again.  

Shoot no. 1 was for SassyDream! And it was with the lovely Asyiha! Haven't modelled with this girl for the longest time and she became sexier lorh! hahaha so jelly of her hair.
Anyways, its always great having a partner to model with for a shoot.
The workload is always shared and you don't feel so pressured 
cause there's someone else doing it with you!
Here's some candid, behind the scenes shots ;)
 Right after i was done with SassyDream's shoot, i continued with a last minute shoot with a shop called The ColorIS. And because it was only a help out, i received a cute bling from them. hehehe
(please excuse my UGLY FUGLY nails)
 And it ended off with ASHINCANS <3 
Forever that hipster, trendy look. Makes me like staying young forever ;(
But i won't be young for long, my birthday is coming REAL SOON... this would be my last year as a teenager!!! Then im gonna join the "Young Adult" gang. Sign Pie. So oldddddd...
I was treated to Macs by Vilvian and Gui Jie from hehehe

It's Tom's wedding speech/song. CRIED LIKE MAD LORH.
Can't decide if Danny was crying or making Tom laugh though.
(skip to 5:00 to watch McFly's part)

Super Duper Touching right?
Who would have thought that Tom would grow up into such a brillant young man. I mean he has always been brillant. But married???
The clock is definitely ticking fast and soon we'll have a fair share in our own wedding speech. Yikes!

If you don't already know, im a MAJOR HUGE FAN of MCFLY!!!!
I've been one ever since i was 14 i guess?
(you only know what that means if you're a true fan too)
Here's Dougie, Tom, Harry and Danny!!! (year 2012)
Well... it started out with a band called Son of Dork. 
Their song was playing as a soundtrack for some alien movie and i really liked it. 
Called We're Not Alone...
So i became a fan of theirs first. 
I know every single lyrics to their song too. hehehe
Well, the band broke up anyway.
This was the "in" look then... (which was way before 2005)... i was only 11 or younger? hahaha Became a fan only when the band broke up. 

Thats James Bourne alright. He founded Son of Dork and build it up after Busted died too. 
Also, he helped Tom from McFly a lot in building up McFly too! <3
SIGN PIE. Wanna cry hearing all this old songs! I wanna be young again!!
So i was just watching Youtube videos about them and it linked all the way to a video about who's cuter.... James Bourne or Danny Jones. And OMG... I fell in love with.... none. ahahhaha
Who caught my eye then was the guy sitting next to Danny.
(screenshot- the guy on your right)
Though when i look at the young him now, i don't feel the same. HAHA
More into men now. Not boys. 
Anyhow, it was because of him, i started "researching" on who Danny Jones is and i found out about McFly :)
This was how they looked like in the very beginning :)
So much has changed over the years and though many people have commented on their change of music direction, a true fan will always support them in anything they do. 
Quote from Tom's wedding speech "..We've been together for what feels like forever. But I'd do it all again and again.. But we're only getting started and I know Mcfly will never end.."
The moment he sang that, i was overwhelmed with emotions and tears started to flood my eyes and flow down my cheeks.

McFly is now a band made up of MEN. Which makes things a little more relatable for me? 
Like their new songs are REALLY SEXY too;)
Not so much of puppy love songs or songs about your crushes... basically not songs One Direction would make.. though i do like 1D. 
Just that no body replaces McFly in my heart. 

They are the real deal man.
Even their older songs never gets old! 
Whenever im upset, i plug my ears with McFly's songs and i get happy already.
This is what you call a true idol la. Not someone who smokes weed... hmmm....

Nothing artificial about them. Writes their own songs. Lovable Personalities (especially Danny's ;) )
And the strong connection and bond their share as a group.
I swear i'll cry at their concert lorh... #cutsformcfly

Anyway, another quote from the wedding speech?
"..Kim's profiteroles, are the best that I've had.."
I was wondering what that was... and look what i found!!! :)
Italian Desert! Like puffs with cream on the inside with chocolate on top of it.
Wonder how Kim's ones are...
I can't seem to stop yapping away about McFly. hahaha
Anyway back to my updates.

I went to Avalon the night before my crazy 5 hours shoot.
And im wearing my new killer Topshop heels that were like on 50% sale.
They're super pretty but i had no idea why nobody were buying it.
But after that one night, i knew why already.
Its really KILLER heels. Too freaking high. I was taller then Fai eh!
Towards the end of the night, i took them off and walked bare footed.
And i was wearing a sponsored dress from :)
kinda wore a long dress cause i wasn't really planning to party.
 I was actually alone that night and didn't plan to drink anything since i was gonna be...alone...
My Rebel Club couldn't make it cause of stupid school.
But i didn't end up alone in the end!! Met some old friends and made new friends too. hehe
Meet Julienne!
She stayed with me the whole night and caught up with me.
Super sweet girl <3 Knew her since we were 13? Thats about 6 years already. SO OLDDDD!!!
I mad love Avalon among all the other clubs i've been to.
Can't wait to be back after im done with this module.
This time with Rebel Club and Princess Ashleigh & Princess Aurelia. 
Anyway, im really finally tired of yapping away.
SO IM ENDING MY POST with a picture of my red nails (which im finding hard to get used to since my nails are always not painted), and a selfie and a screenshot pic of NALA the silly cat :)

Will be back soon with a 19th Birthday post :)
Till then, take care Galaxy Defenders and Loveable Humans!

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