
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

CNY 2013 - day 1 & 2

Hope everyone has had a great CNY and collected loads of ang pows/baos (never knew which is the correct spelling.. hehe)

Honestly, growing up, i have never really appreciated Chinese New Year and never really saw the importance and significance of it. Well.. not until this year ^^
Like most of my friends and family members would know, 2012 was an awesome year for me.
I grew a lot as a person and had learnt to appreciate things around me more and I kinda just grew up :)
During that growing process, I've learnt that some things in life don't matter and others do. 

You see, CNY seems to be the only time of the year that EVERYONE gathers together and catches up with one another properly. It used to be dreadful for me cause everything's just about school, school and school (well, i was a kid you see). But now that im almost a grown up, my relatives kinda take me more seriously and topics we talk about just get much more interesting cause i get interested in what they're talking about too. And they genuinely care. Its like i can totally be myself and not get judge or anything or its more of, i know that they'll still love me. 

I guess not many people feel that way towards CNY... well not yet. But the time will come when you realize that family is more important then anything else.

Anyway, here's Day 1 ^^
Every year, my family would take a family photo. So here's this year's :)
(lighting that Fai bought helped a lot. hehehe)
Also, every year, its my family's tradition to SoJah, an act of offering tea to your elders as a sign of respect. Kinda like how a bride and groom would kneel and offer tea to their parents on their wedding day. I've been doing it ever since i was a kid and i never liked it when i was younger. Believe it or not, i was a super shy girl. But things change over the years and i finally feel the necessity to do it.
Kidding, thats my two lovely little cousins SoJah-ing to my grand aunt last year.
Super cute right?!?! hehehehe ^^
This is me SoJah-ing last year^^ Will only do this again tmr!
(random thought - miss my long black straight hair...)
And back to the present! My brother SoJah-ing our parents!
My dad looks so happy here. hahaha
My turn! ^^
And we were off for visiting!!! ^^
(at 2pm. hahaha, 
everyone else on my twitter timeline were almost done with visiting but ours had yet to begun)
Here's my OOTD for Day 1, from ^^
Heels from if you're wondering, bag too.
Me and my mommy ^^
She looks so pretty here!
And a particular New Year goodie i never fail to aim for as soon as i hit the goodies table. hehe
My brother and i would always ask my mom to get it for us when we were kids. Never knew why she always took a long time to finally agree. Now i know lah!!! SO MUCH SUGAR. Won't allow my future kids to indulge in it. Muahahahaha!
And there was this little boy that i found extremely cute! HAHA my nephew!
The last time i saw him, he was just a baby but this year, he was slurping away on the Ice Longans quietly instead of running around like how all little kids do. So adorbs! 
And finally a group picture of my cousins from my Dad's side. Not all since we came late. hehehe
And i tweeted "How to spot a Lim? Our sharp noses!" hehe its true and im proud of it. 
Though they all had WAY sharper nose then i do :(
(oh and the little ones are my nieces and nephew, the grown ups are my cousins. 
WE SO BIG ALREADY and yes im wearing my dad's crocs for a while^^)
This is us this year....
And this was us last year...
(side track, you can check my cousin out on Numb Nuts here HEHEHE)
Ending off my dad's side with a picture taken with my Ah-ma this year during reunion dinz dinz a few days before visiting :)
Right after, we headed to my mom's side! To my late Gong Gong and Ma Ma's house :)
Here's how they look like!! Proud to say they're pure Peranakans :)
See my Gong Gong? That's why i look a little Malay and why im naturally tan! It's all in the genes :) And my Ma Ma looks like my mom right???
I would love to meet my grandparents. From the stories told by my mom, i really do wanna talk to Gong Gong. Seems like we have a lot of things in common... And he'll probably be someone i'll always confide in.. I don't even really know him but i trust him already.

And finally a group picture with my cousins from my mom's side at my Tua-Yi's (first auntie) place!! 
All the tanner, "mix" looking people. hehe
 And with that, my stomach cannot take anymore sambal. So i conclude Day 1 completed.
Day 2 ^^
We were off to visit my mom's auntie and my dad's uncle on the second day. Not much pictures taken on this day but here's a few :)
My OOTD, top by  once again,
paired with bandage skirt from H&M!
First stop, to get our tummy filled with yummy authentic Peranakan cuisine.
My little nephew Glen eating. hehehe so cuteee!!!
I wanna have sons when i grow up.
And here's my Grand Uncle and Grand Auntie from dad's side, super cute and loving! 
Half way through my grand uncle took out some pure liquor and drank it. hahaha 
And on the next day, i was off to join Fai again at last for Chilli Crab dinz dinz with his friends :)
And that concludes my CNY day 1,2 and 3!!!
Its not over yet :) One more important house to visit on Friday and GC weekend!! <3


1 comment:

  1. how much is your black peep toes heels ? you're pretty ! :D

