
Friday, February 1, 2013


If you're gonna ask me how's my life been, I would tell ya that its been great.
It is great. I mean fai and i are better then ever, we've been super understanding, patient and loving towards each other and nothing else seem to matter.

I've been going to school regularly and only skipping today's class due to a slight fever, sore throat and bad cough. 

Class can be quite lonely though... My best friends are in a totally different class from me.(since they're the design kids, and im in the retail, VM class) What makes it worst is that our time table is totally different! So i hardly get to see them.. which leaves me going home straight after school at 12nn if i don't have any shoots. Which is pretty good, cause i get to sleep... but im not used to that.. I've become immune to the hectic lifestyle i used to lead last month.. 

Well anyway! Remember i said that i lost my memory card used for birthday? 
Finally i can share the photos i've been dying to share. And none of it is just a memory anymore! I have it all in pictures to allow me to look back on in the future ^^
Enough talk. I shall let the pictures do the talking :)
This is le friend, Amanda. She waited an hour or more in town for me! hahaha
(her waist is super tiny!!)
And le me in Vaunt Closet's maxi dress in white!!! So preetz!! <3
And holding my Mcfly book of courseeee!
And was wearing Maybelline's colour tattoo eyeshadow as an eyeliner!
And loving my hair by SalonVim! (this was the day after i got my hair done)
As you know, we got into a cab and were off to Sentosa!
Didn't know we were going tot his part of Sentosa though.
 Its a whole new world with breathtaking sceneries.
I would really recommend you guys to check this place out if you're looking for some where to chill, though its pretty out of the way...
Check out the sign-ages!!! So CUTEEEE! <3
A pity that it was raining heavily in the morning, so everywhere was wet!
Both our maxi dresses were damped at the hems. haha
While waiting for the surprise to get in shape, i became hungry and like i mentioned in my Birthday post, i got hungry..
So we went into this really chill hang out place that sells burgers, chips, wings etc.
Its really cosy and the prices for the food are alright, slightly higher then the average but nothing matters when you're hungry right. I bought a burger and onion rings.
Being their 4th customer, and with it being my birthday, the guy gave us free dessert!!! Super sweet! <3
Our free dessert : Yoghurt and puddings!
Chocolate loveeeeee <3
And it was finally time to head over!
Me messing around with some of the Hotel's furnishing. And nope, this isn't even in my room! 
Its just the lobby. Cool huh? :)
Finally my prezzies and i!!! <3
My sweet sweet bb, Laraine, and her lover, Cheng, 
did a cover of "She Left Me" by Mcfly for my birthday!!
So touched when she told me about it. Love this girl <3
Without a doubt, Laraine has a beautiful voice! She's super talented and also a really genuinely nice person. The kind that i know will never betray or hurt me. Im gonna keep her as a friend 4 life! hehehehe. Hopefully Mcfly will come soon! (we plan to go together. haha)
For more of her covers, click on ---->
This is one of my FAVVV!!!! 
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 


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