
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Advertorial- Fashion Martini X Ellysage X Twirling Pastels X Vogue Avenue X A short and important message


I can't wait for summer to arrive!!! Time to push all those knits aside deep into your closet and shop for SUMMER clothes. I used to love Winter a lot, but Im starting to appreciate the sun we get here in SG. So without further ado, allow me to introduce some awesome online shops to get your summer outfits! LEGGO. 

Haven't heard of Fashion Martini?? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Im actually questioning myself too. Ever since i've was approached by them for this advert, i realized how awesome their apparels are. They offer a wide variety and its hard to walk away with just one piece. Trust me on this. I had a hard time picking what i like ^^
In the end, i went with my current obsession. Lace and Crochet. 

Remember this pretty pretty top?
Its the Kendall Full Lace Sleeve Blouse from One of a Kind Collection ^^
Its probably one of my most favorite item in my wardrobe right now! It love the fit and its quality is REALLY GOOD. Has an inner lining so it feels really soft on the inside. Nothing says summer more then it!

Next I went with The Benita Crochet Sleeve Blouse!
Its love at first sight and i insisted that i have this piece. Super comfy and light weight. And i know how some crochet/lace sleeves can get itchy, well this one doesn't do that at all! :)

For more pretty apparels, DO KEEP A LOOK OUT FOR  FASHION MARTINI.
I can safety say that its one of the most promising blogshops around. 
Like their Facebook page for more updates at

Calling out to all girls out there who are fans of timeless pretty apparels! I definitely am a fan of Ellysage. Absolutely adore how they never fail to disappoint by bringing in pieces that are so lovable and fits so perfectly in every collection!  Plus they're one of the nicest people i've ever met or ever worked with!! Always there for me even off-model duty. hahaha

Anyway, here's some of the items i took home with me this week :)
Oh God. Aren't you in LOVEEEE with the colour??? Its the scrunchy bustier top i wore for Christmas last year. I'm so darn happy that Ellysage brought it back, this time with straps too! Its a MUST HAVE girls!
Next, i went back to some blue velvet lovin' and took this home with me <3
The entire day i was wearing this, i kept listening to Blue Velvet by Lana Del Rey. HAHA Imagine her singing about me. LOLS. me and my imaginations. Anyway, how can anyone not love Blue Velvet stuffs?? It just makes everything look awesome! The top im wearing, its just a basic, but looks super chic with such an awesome fabric. 
STOP 3: 
Twirling Pastels is yet another wonderful shop that offers a wide variety of apparels as well. Looking for casual get ups or party outfits? Twirling Pastels caters to all your needs, its a one stop destination that you just have to visit! I love what i took home with me, though it was SOOO HARD to decide what i wanted. hehehe
1) Denim Peplum Tunic
Okay, okay, i was a little greedy and took home BOTH the dark denim and light denim! HOW TO DECIDE YOU TELL ME??? Its so gorgeous and it fits so perfectly too. And if you haven't noticed, denim is SO IN for Spring/Summer. Its a must have this season^^
Just look at both of the shades, so pretty right? Bet its on your list now.
Remember when i said that Twirling Pastels offer party outfits too??? Well well well, i took home the Criss Cross Bodycon ^^
SEXY HUH? Its been so long that i've worn something like that but its so hard to NOT take this piece. If you're worried that its not gonna fit, fear not! The straps are really sturdy and the dress as a whole fits like a second layer of skin really well. LOVE IT <3

For more updates, like their Facebook page at
Last for not least,
Vogue Avenue has also been one of the best people i've ever worked with! Its to a point that i feel like they're my parents. HAHA since its manage lovingly by J and her boyfriend. Before i begin on this advert, allow me to show you what they did for my birthday! SOOO TOUCHED OKAY <3
I always appreciate hand made gifts so muchh!! I mean its the fact that they put aside time to make some thing for me, its just too sweet already. Love them so much!
Thank y'all so much ^^

Anyway, back to the advert, hahahaha.
 I took home with me 2 absolutely gorgeous dresses this time round.
1) Victorian Bustier Midi - Blue
I think by now, most of you guys are aware that I love wearing electric blue, all because i think i look my best in it. HAHA. But isn't it a stunning color?! Especially when its used on such a sexy, sophisticated dress. Its perfect and i knew i was gonna take this dress home with me as soon as i put it on. 

Next is something that i think EVERY GIRL should dream to have.
Its the Mirage Chiffon Maxi in White.
Its beautiful. I mean a chiffon white maxi dress never goes wrong. I felt like an angel wearing it. hehehe. Now im just waiting for a perfect moment to put it on again ^^

Once again thank you Vogue Avenue for the Birthday gift.
Do like their FB page for more instant updates at
Anyway, I know i've been really upset recently. Things just wasn't going really right. And i need everyone to know that i deserve it. It was a life learning lesson and im on my way to do more good! :)

But thank you to EVERYONE who stood by me and tried to make me feel better. Its good to know that you guys care even though some of us may not be close at all. I think i've found new friendships through this whole insanity as well. Its always good to know that im not exactly alone. 

Through this whole experience, i've learnt not to give up. Not even when you might have almost lost yourself completely. And also, i've realized how much a kind smile and a pat on the back can change the way things are for someone going through a hard time. It creates a ray of light for that someone lost in a dark forest.  That glimpse of hope means more then anything when you're at the bottom of the pit. (AND YES VADDI. Im referring to you here. hahaha)

So my dear readers, never ever hesitate to reach out to those around you that isn't doing so well. You never know how much weight is lifted off their shoulders within that few seconds of kindness. 

" Love is built upon the two pillars of Patience & Kindness.... If Patience is Love at work to minimise negative circumstances, then Kindness is Love at work to maximise positive circumstances..."

The battle is only half won and there's so much more to do. Well, its not a journey not a race, but a marathon worth running. I love you Fai. 

Have a great week ahead everyone! 

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