
Monday, April 8, 2013

My last "professional modeling" shoot?

So we all know that i am some what a "fashion/design" student, 
though i don't really think i deserve that title at all. But yes, i am. I study apparel design and merchandising at Temasek Polytechnic, which i think was a wrong choice for me. hahaha

Cause right now i realized that my true passion and motivation lies in making people smile... customer service. Yeapppp im talking about hospitality and tourism, all that PR and serving people.. therefore i think SIA would be a excellent job for me.

Well, thats not the point of this whole post anyway. Im just here to share with you guys why being in a design school still kinda makes me happy anyway :)

Don't get me wrong, i've always been very much an art person. I've always lovedddddd drawing and creating stuffs using my hands since i was a kid. Even as a 5 year old, i used to cut unwanted fabrics from old bed sheets, sew them together to create new clothes for my Barbies. Also, i would chop their hair off and slick it back with hair gel and stuffs. I wonder why i didn't try to curl their hair before chopping everything off now.... hmmm...

And that actually makes me realized that i do have an interest in styling, hair, and cosmetics too. Which is kinda the reason why you guys even bother to read this space here. Cause without all of that, i wouldn't be who i am today. So being vain, that kinda worked out well for me. hehehehe

(you see how my brain decides to constantly drift from one matter to another?)

So the point of this post is.... quite frankly,
I did a shoot recently for a couple of fashion designers, who are without a doubt my friends, cause if they weren't i wouldn't have agreed to the whole shoot anyway right. 
And everyone here knows, i am nothing but a blogshop model (which has given me lots of thoughts about..... something idk if i should publicly announce about..) and i don't wish to pursue professional modeling cause i HATE being under someone's supervision, especially when that someone is relatively a bitch. 

So yeah... Im glad i was given the opportunity to be a part of this some what high fashion shoot. And it would had not been possible if i weren't in design school. There :) See the link? See what i did there? 
It was early in the morning. Can't remember what time it was cause my brain's actually 65 years old, some how she got stucked in a 19 years old body. So i have a huge memory lost problem. Which is pretty good cause, without given any choice, i forget about past negative situations that i've been through, which is probably the reason why i am fortunate enough to be constantly optimistic and happy. 

Anyway, i was to model for a collection done by my fellow school mates. They are the fashion designers, they do all that drafting, cutting and sewing and stuffs. Cool stuffs that i've always dreamt of doing but never got the courage to say yes to it. So im just stucked doing the math of fashion. Oh wells.
Lets do this newspaper article style yeah?
From left to right : Pixie (, Photographer Gwen Janelle, Hadi, Me with my ridiculously muscular arm, The Final One Finalist Maggi Syaz and Laila Othman.  

HAHA yes folks. If you don't already know, two of my dear fashionistas are The Final One finalists! Help me do the following of liking and sharing. Also please vote once the competition starts yeah? 



Keep a look out for this girlies! Im so proud of them and i can't wait to finally be able to actually go down to the studio/competition arena and show my support. Have always wanted to do that for Singapore Idol. Yknow? like being there live. hahahaha

Anyway, Syaz is really super talented. Like damn she can wear the same apparel in like 4 or more different ways. She dances, like incredibly well. And now she sings. She used to have like super long hair with ringlets in them and everyday it looks different. Talk about styling huh! All rounder. Someone to look out for in The Final One. And heres her with make up skills.
And my absolute NO EYE MAKE UP FACE. In bold in case all you haters start turning my into a hate eunice zone.
In case you're wondering, my Nasty Gal inspired dress is from ^^
And here's what i don't like about professional modeling! >.<
All the hair lost and hair sprays and stuff. 
Plus it takes pretty long to get the desired look. 
I fell asleep, like i think i was nodding away. hahahaha
And there we have it. 
Now its all up to me to make the shoot a good one. Pressureeeeee!
p.s. As a Maybelline Ambassador X Fan, take a look at my lashes. 
Nothing but Magnum Cat Eye Mascara. So GOOD right.
The theme of the collection/shoot. Sports wear inspired cocktail dress :)
The real pics aren't out yet :( I only have a few. But here's the BTS!
Here's garment #1 by Pixie.
Yep. Bare footed. hehehe
I don't know how more BTS the next pic can get, if you know what i mean.
And it was Garment change #2! by Hadi!
Like wise, garment #3 by Laila!
And there you have it! It was a wrap!
I must say it was probably one of my most fav shoots i've done. I mean duhhhh... i was around people im comfortable with so that made the whole thing much easier and much more enjoyable. When my next "professional editorial shoot"? Hmmmm... maybe never doing one ever again. Not sure. hahaha

So im glad i got to savage the last few memories of it with people i like around me.
And like i mentioned on insta, i always love walking away from the studio with that SIA look. hahahahaha
A pity all the pics aren't out yet. But once i got my hands on them, i'll share yeah! For now, here's one for Pixie's dress :)


