
Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Singapore Social Concert X Aunt's Wedding X Updates X Adverts- Ellysage & Twp

Finally I'm blogging again huh!
You know, I guess its every blogger's wish to blog AT LEAST 3 times a week (well, thats my wish), but that's just not possible given the kind of lifestyle we lead.

As for me, I am not just a blogger, i do have other commitments too. 
I have to fulfill my duties as a daughter, a lover, a student, a model and also as a GIRL
Yes. A girl. I've been so busy that there's just no time for me to get a simple manicure done without worrying about what i have to do after. 

Basically, all i am saying is that I've been so busy with school and work that i haven't been able to take good care of myself :(
My nails are in a mess (though i did try to save it a few days ago), and hair is in need of some Salon Vim touch and I've been REALLY SICK :(
As of now, I am coughing here and there too. Just a few days ago, I was suspected of having Dengue Fever! My temperature went up to about 37.9 Degree Celsius and my body was aching all over. Every moment there was for me to sleep, i just slept throughout. Honestly, i thought i had Dengue too. 

School has been really rough for me too. I have 2 homework and 1 portfolio pending at the moment. Thinking about it makes me wanna cry :( I am happy with the company I am gonna intern at though... But nothing is confirm till i go for the interview. Hopefully all goes well cause i really like the job scope. More on this when the time comes...

I have to put the last New York post on hold first. I wanna get all the pictures first and my vlog done. 
For now, here's what i've been doing in SG over the past weeks :)

Social Star Concert

The Social Star Concert exactly last Friday was a very well attended event. I was so honored to be invited to it as a GushCloud blogger along with lots of other bloggers too. It was held at The Meadows, Gardens by the Bay. 

Thank God Fai drove on that day cause the sun was exceptionally scorching hot. I love getting drived by this particular road. You get to see the pretty side of Singapore.. The Singapore Flyers(which i heard from Freda is bankrupt.. ouch), The Helix Bridge, The Floating Platforms, MBS, Avalon... its just a beautiful place with such a great scenery.
Met up with almost everyone else and we headed off togetherrr^^
(coincidentally, Asyiha and I wore the same kinda shorts! hahaha only of a different color)
Collette, Lydia, Asyiha, Tyler and Xavier!
We got there pretty early, so we didn't have to queue that long^^
But Fai didn't wanna go all the way in front, so we stood somewhere in the centre towards the right a little.
(p.s. Laraine was teaching me how to edit some pics, hence this one. 
I LOVE IT but i don't know how to do it. hahahahha)
I enjoyed Carly Rae Jepsen a lot, she was cute and all but maybe her performance was a little too draggy, everyone said the same thing. Its like she sang her whole album first while the whole crowd was just waiting for "Call Me Maybe"... But all in all, she gave us a good one :)

I didn't manage to snap a pic of Psy performance cause by that time, i was so tired and needed fresh air. Fai and I got out of the crowd thinking that the next act wouldn't be him. So we just saw pretty far away from the big screen instead. 

HE IS SO GOOD. I SWEAR. Im not even kidding.
You know, i am not a fan of people behaving inappropriately or childishly at all? And initially, i thought Psy was like that. BUT I AM SO WRONG. He is so humble and so talented. I can't believe he was booed in Europe. So poor thing cause he works so hard away from his home. 
He said he hasn't been home for a year?
We left after Psy, i feel realy bad for Cee Lo Green cause lots of people left after seeing Psy...
Someone told us the next day that when Cee Lo came out he asked what happened to the crowd :(
Anyway, while waiting for the rest of the blogger, i camwhored a little. whahahha
And ta-da! We were off to eat at Satay by the bay!! missing Asyiha and Lydia here.
Audrey, Joanna, Tyler and Jun Ying!
The night ended really well with me going home looking pregnant. Once again, Fai and i over ordered our food and everyone else were witness to it. hahahaha
It was a blast!! And no, i am NOT doing an advert here. This comes straight from my heart <3
A day before i fell really sick, i was at my aunt's wedding!!!
She's such a great women, so kind, so gentle and so humble. Just a few years ago, during Christmas, i asked her when she's gonna get married since she's next in line. And TA-DA!! The day finally came:)

My parents and I, and my two little cousins :)
Fai came along too! He got to know almost all of my relatives now. hahaha. 
And Sydney won't stop tickling him! hahahah
Just look at what her hands are doing. hahaha
My mom and eldest aunt singing... pretty out of tempo and tune actually. HAHAHA
The arrival of the bride and groom^^
And Aunt Swee Lin looks exceptionally pretty on that day!!
And her giving an emotional speech after everything was done. 
It brought tears to everyone, including myself. hahaha

And thats my beloved grand uncle at the side. haha I call him Chek Gong, he's my grandfather's brother and he has always been really supportive of whatever i do. He holds a strong resemblance to what i remember of my dearly departed grandpa and so whenever i see him, i feel really happy :)
 (p.s. In case you're reading this and wondering what my ethnicity is, allow me to inform you now^^)
I am chinese cause my father is chinese. I hold a chinese surname afterall!
 I am Eunice Annabel Lim Mei En. 
My mother is Peranakan. That explains why everyone in the pictures look rather mix-chinese-malay. And we are all born naturally tan, just look at my grand uncle! hahaha
Hence, that explains my skin tone as well^^
Here's a short shout out to Anna!!! I haven't seen her for what seems to be FOREVER. And she looks even more gorgeous now! This is why I LOVEEEE doing shoots. Cause you never know who is shooting in the next studio. The other day, Aurelia was shooting in the next studio, yesterday, Asyiha was shooting before me and this time, it was Anna! hahah so much coincidence. 

Wearing dress from <3 <3 <3
And i got to meet PeiHong for a while too!!! 
Haven't seen her for a while since she haven't got the time to do a NoLipServices shoot :( 
In case you don't know, she's a super blogshop owner! She owns NLS and Faire Belle!
It was a great short catch up and then it was time for me to head off to Mediacorp to catch The Final One! hehehe. I AM SO GLAD LARAINE MADE IT THROUGH! I always knew she would!!!
That girl has the looks and talent! 
Gonna end this post with some images of the latest outdoor shoot with Asyiha!!! Its one of my fav. Yknow, some times you have good shoot days and some times you have bad shoot days. This one is a REAL GOOD one :) Credits to and <3 <3 <3
Reasons why i love shooting with Asyiha? Cause we're both about the same height (though she's taller a little), and we have about the same skin tone. Hence we compliment each other, hence, the pics will turn out nicer :) And i MUST say, Fiona is REALLY getting better and better.

1) EllySage
There is just NO WAY you can't love EllySage. They offer a huge range of apparels to suit almost every event you have to attend. If you need comfy everyday outfits for school, they got it. If you need something a little more dressy for special events or a date, they got it too! Everything is kept at an affordable and WORTH it range at EllySage and you can be certain that quality is exceptional as well.

Here's what i took home with this from their latest arrivals^^
I LOVE how Ellysage is brining in more Summer apparels! Like this gorgeous top in the picture above. The colos is so pretty and i love the details on the back so much! Its gonna look awesome if you were a bikini top right underneath for an even more impactful summer-beach effect. 
Perfect for a trip to Phuket or Bali or even Adventure Cove!

Everyone knows that I LOVE PINK! So when i saw this pair of hw shorts, i fell in love immediately! It fits my super well and its so comfy too!
If you're looking for timeless, quality, pretty apparels, look no more! 
Ellysage's got your back!

Like them on Facebook like 
for more updates and sneak previews :)

2) Twirling Pastels
Twirling Pastels is now one of my top fav blogshops ever!!! 
They're owned by PeiLing and Jinghan who are SUPER NICE to me all the time!! 
Plus, they have great eyes on what to offer for every collection. I love how pretty their apparels always are and really affordable too! This week, i took home 3 pieces cause it was so hard to choose! hahaha
Bustier Floral dresss!!! I loveee dresses like these! Its always super pretty and you can wear it for almost anything casual but still look good! Twirling Pastels brought in tons of dresses like these so if you missed out on grabbing one, don't fret! They have lots in different colors too!
I picked another bustier floral dress of a different color and print too! hhehehe <3
Next, i went for a bodycon side floral dress too! I just LOVE the quality of this dress. Its not the usual cotton material, it has a little bit more texture to it and the prints are so pretty! Not those pixelated sort at all. hehehe. Makes me feel really feminine and all sophisticated wearing this^^

Maybe these other picks will help you decide:)
I must say this is one of BEST collections i've seen from TWP! WHY??
Cause its their one year anniversary! Hence, they have put in double the effort to bring you more pretty apparels. We also did a lookbook shoot recently, which i will share some pics in my next blog post :)
Look what they did for Fai and I!!! <3
They are one year old!
To celebrate this day, they have decided to hold a special giveaway :) 

Want to win a customized puzzle (worth SGD $49.90) like that? :) 
Step 1: Like our Facebook Page and follow us on Instagram 
Step 2: Like and share this picture on Facebook 
Step 3: Send us an email at stating why (anniversary gift, birthday present, etc) you think you deserve to win this customized puzzle! :) 
Step 4: You will be notified via email once we have chosen the winner :) 

This giveaway is proudly sponsored by: 
Customized Puzzle:



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