
Friday, June 21, 2013

#FreeYourYou {SHINE2013}

SHINE Bright Like A Diamond

I have always loved people who have strong beliefs, 

and stand up for what they believe in.
But more importantly, I admire those who would take a step further and act on them.

Therefore, I am proud to announce that I would be given an opportunity at SHINE Youth Festival this year to share my causes and hopefully influence more of you to make a difference in our society together. 

SHINE Youth Festival is happening from 29th June to 28th July!

Organized by the National Youth Council (NYC), SHINE Youth Festival is where youths’ voices are heard and respected. We all have the ability to influence and make a difference to our communities and lives. 

Let’s face it. There is something that all of us are dying to share with the world. Be it a cause you want to start, or a change that we haven’t gotten a chance to do so yet.

For me, it has always been “appreciating what you already have” and “offering more to those who are in need”.
I was raised in a family where I was constantly reminded to appreciate what I have instead of yearning for more. Financially, my family belonged to the middle class, but fell into the category where we could apply for school financial assistance. My dad worked two jobs and I hardly got to see him due to the different schedules we had. We never had the chance to go out for family outings or even have a simple dinner together.  This obviously meant that there were no vacations and no special privileges as a child.

A very rare family picture taken earlier this Chinese New Year.

Naturally, I would get jealous when my friends started telling me about how their trip to Bali or Hong Kong went. But my mom would always say "If you can't afford it, forget it. At least you have a roof above your head." 

My very modest mummy who've always been my shoulder of strength and support
Also, I remember how my school used to tell us to "Be empathetic to others instead of just being sympathetic." Donating money to those in need is right as they could put that money to good use, such as buying their daily necessities. But honestly, if a tragedy were to struck a neighboring country, how many of us would be willing to fly over and actually lend a helping hand? How many of us would just lie back on our comfy beds and simply donate our money, thinking that we are already helping others in need. It makes a lot of difference when you actually put yourself in another person's shoe and act on your believes.

My school's moto that I hold so dearly to my heart, up till today.

"Simple in Virtue, Steadfast in Duty"
These two messages have always been ringing in my ear and it has definitely shaped me into who I am today. They will be my pledges for SHINE 2013 #FreeYourYou Festival.
I am proud to say that I’d be at SHINE Youth Festival at *SCAPE this 29th June, together with Naomi Neo, Xavier Ong, Lydia IzzatiDJ BoyThunder and Ridhwan Azman,
whom I’m sure you’d recognize!
Be there to catch the opening act by Samantha Rui with us!
She does really awesome Youtube covers!!!

Jack & Rai will be performing LIVE!

Starting off as solo acoustic musicians more than a decade ago, Jack & Rai came together in 2002 to form an acoustic duo. Their easy-going nature will certainly make your feel at ease watching them!

As well as The Sam Willows!
The Sam Willows are made up of siblings Benjamin and Narelle Kheng and their friends Jon Chua and Sandra Riley Tang, They burst onto the Singapore music scene in May 2012 with their luscious harmonies which created a solid buzz across the country.
Apart from all these amazing acts, expect to catch creativity at Operation Smile Carnival on 21st July, 10am to 6pm @ *SCAPE. They will be showcasing a talent time show and the Best Smile Pageant all put together by ASLC and student volunteers.

Also, they will be giving out awards to outstanding youth role models at the Stars of SHINE annual awards. Its a way to celebrate youths with inspirational life stories and those that has made exemplary contributions to the communities. 
You can be a part of this by voting for your role models!!!^^
(The ceremony will be held at the closing of the festival and voting will start from 20th June onwards)
For more information regarding this event, check out SHINE Youth Festival's Facebook Page here!!!
So Pledge to SHINE today, and watch this space again for the Stars of SHINE voting page!

Remember to join me and start pledging!!! Hashtag #FreeYourYou.
Can't wait to see you there :)


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