
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Dirty Dancing X Daft Punk album launch

Hello guys :)
I have a bit of time in my hands now so 
I'm gonna blog about how I spent my first day of this new month! 

1st June 2013
Once again, thanks to GushCloud and BASE Entertainment, we GushCloud bloggers enjoyed another day of fun! This time, we were invited to catch Dirty Dancing at The Marina Bay Sands Theatre!
The story line is basically about Baby and Johnny, two young spirits from different worlds, who come together to experience the most challenging and triumphant summer of their lives. 

Firstly, you need to know that I enjoy Art, performing arts to be exact. You can throw me in a room to watch some french film that may seem totally ridiculous to anybody and I will still come out smiling and thinking a lot about what it all means. I love museums. Like art museums. Nope, i don't think its boring at all. I guess I've always been the sort that believes in love, music, art etc..

Anyway, what made me really drawn into Dirty Dancing was the freaking setting!!!!!!!!
The early 60's.
Oh how i wish to be a American girl growing up in that era. I LOVE AND KNEW EVERY SINGLE SOUNDTRACK PLAYED THROUGHOUT DIRTY DANCING.
I had nostalgias of past events in my life whenever a hit comes along.

Maybe because ever since I was young, my mom would always play her oldies and i would always listen and dance to them.
I used to think that the song You're So Vain by Carly Simon is REALLY about me. hahaha

Speaking of which, at the moment, I am caught up in one of my psychotic research mode again about almost the most random things on earth. Previously, it was about Tsunamis if you remember. 
Now, the topic is The Death of The King: Elvis Presley. (more about this side of me some other time)
So enjoy this nostalgia melody while you go on reading^^

Elvis Presley - Are You Lonesome Tonight

Asyiha and I at Dirty Dancing :) I'm seeing this girl really often nowadays^^
All of us bloggers that day! <3
My romper from ^^
I was REALLY excited to catch the musical. hehehe
I was so excited that i wished I was dressed to the 60's too!!!
And THE AWESOME THING was they gave us backstage passes to see how everything works behind the scenes.
LNnjrh on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs
Autographed posters left behind in the Green Room.
Which Alan, our cute tour guide explained to us was a room where everyone, cast and crew, would relax at and get warmed up for the show. Every theatre has a Green Room no matter how it looks, even if its walls aren't literally green. Cool learning new things like that.
We didn't get to meet at cast but along the way, we found the lead actress relaxing in her dressing room!!!!! I am so sorry i didn't take her name down, but she plays Baby and SHE IS AMAZING. Crazy talent and stage presence. Someone you can't take your eyes off. 
A picture of her and her lead partner I took from the net. hehehehe
Next, Alan brought us directly backstage, behind the huge backdrop.
Some props used for the show, we got to see them all up close!!
What's so cool about it was that EVERYTHING is true to the 1960's.
Sighhh.... I belong to that era. Seriously.
He then showed us the famous watermelon used in the musical.
Its artificial but made really really well.
Next, we saw the cast's wardrobe. Its amazing how everything is sourced or made specially for this production. Like Alan mentioned, most of the dresses are specially made so that there's more movement to it when the dancers dance. Also, because dresses like these aren't sold anymore, they have to made them so that it'll really look like they walked right out from a 1960's film.
Fluffy Petticoats!!! How lovely^^
There's no time to change privately when the show is going on!
So all changing is done right here where the chairs are laid. Much like how a fashion show works.
Alan then showed us the amount of hair pins brought along with them. hahaha
And all the wigs used by the cast!!
Every styled set to the 60's too!!!
If you don't know, there are always backup dancers at every production.
Just in case in the mist of the performance or rehearsals, and if the cast gets injured, there's always someone to take over from there. 
And therefore there was an extra wardrobe set made specially to fit them too!
Then we got to the technical, more complicated bit of the tour.
Lights, Camera, Action!
Did you know that the actors usually wear their mics underneath their wigs on their heads?
Last but least, we had an experience of how it feels like to look at the audience from the stage.
And the tour was completed!!! :)
Later on at night, we headed to The High Society lounge for...
Daft Punk's
album launch!
Well, the invite went directly to Fai, of course, since he is in this music industry. And i came as a plus one with my girlies Raine and Jas!!!

Speaking of which, RAINE IS IN THE TOP 20's FOR THE FINAL ONE!!!
This week, she is gonna compete for a spot in the Top 10 on 5th June, from 8pm to 10.30pm.
Her new voting number is now NO 2!!!!

To show your support, Call 1900 112 6002 or SMS 2 to 146071199.

You may also vote for her on Facebook by....
step 1: "like" the Mediacorp channel 5 page

step 2: click "the final one voting app" in the boxes beside photos, etc.

step 3: click on the picture that appears on that page and register with your name and email

(didn't manage to snap a pic with Raine that night though)

Pretty Jas and I that night <3
TA-DA!! Nick and Fai with the night's mascots.
We left after a while and that sums up my WHOLE Weekend.
In total, I attended 5 events in a span of 2 days. On top of that, i had to rush out school assignments and some other errands. WHEW! It was an awesome weekend but I am glad it is over.
Can't wait for Fai and my little surprise coming up in week's time^^

Till next time, 

(p.s. Both of my newfound most loved singers were both legends that passed on way too quickly. Cheers to all Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley fans!)

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