
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

A hectic but really enjoyable week X Adverts- OOTD, Fundplz

I'm sorry that this has to happen guys...
What am I talking about? Well... you'll know in just about a minute.
(Hint: title of this post)

In about 23 days time, I'll be a free bird!!! Internship will finally be over (though I'm dreading that last school report that I am required to complete upon graduation.) Nevertheless, I am really looking forward to my freedom! Well, internship isn't that bad anymore since the end of fashion week. My job mainly requires me to run errands for those sort of events but it's been pretty quiet lately so my schedule isn't as jam-packed as it was before. Apart from that, I've been SOOOOOO busy with blogging assignments. NO, I am NOT complaining at all because I love what I do. But I just wished I could focus all my time on it instead of having to juggle between internship and blogging.

Over the past few weeks, I've been attending quite a handful of events but I just couldn't find time to sit down and talk about them because I'm back at modelling again! hehehe. I know, I try to do too many things at one time. I just can't help it. I used to be able to blog about events the very next day but I can't do it now, not with my schedule this pack. So..... this is why I am squeezing everything into this post. It's gonna be a SUPER long post guys, so grab your popcorn, sit back and enjoy! I hope I didn't make a mistake at putting everything together but I just thought if I dragged any of these posts any longer, I might not even talk about them in the end.

Alright, so this is what I've been up to lately. Come onboard the time traveling machine and go back to.....

7th June 2014, Saturday
L'Oreal Hydrafresh

As an influencer, it's always a pleasure and such an honour to be engaged by a client for the second time. I've worked with L'Oreal on their Hydrafresh range before last year (you can read about it here) and was thrilled to be called back again this year. 

Before I say anything else, I am aware that it's tough to trust bloggers because we're always getting paid to do and say things. People are constantly asking me about how I lie to my readers about products and services. Well, I don't. I choose my deals and assignments properly. I only talk about things that I truly like. When I am offered a deal, definitely the remuneration is important because blogging is still my main source of income at the moment. But I'd also stop and ask myself "If I were an average consumer, would I really use/buy that product with my own hard earned money?" 

It just becomes easier to blog about things that I truly love and when I don't really like a product, you can tell from the things I say in my posts. I just hope that when you come to my site, you'll know that what you're reading is genuine. I'd try my best to make it as raw as possible ;) With that said, L'Oreal Hydrafresh is one of those products that I really love (Again, I'm not saying this because I'm apart of their ongoing campaign). It's a brilliant skincare line that worked well for me and it's just really nice to be engaged as an influencer for it. 

On the 7th, I was invited to attend the re-launched of the Hydrafresh range. 
How can I not take a selfie with my new Samsung NX Mini camera? hehehe. OH AND GUYS!!! I finally figured out how to make it less saturated! Say goodbye to ugly yellowish-looking pictures. All you have to do it go to Program (P) mode and play around with the White Balance. If your pictures are too saturated, you're probably on the default mode. Switch it to White Fluorescent mode and you'll find that there's more blue undertones in your picture, which I love! Just play around with it till you find the one you like!;) Wearing top from Insta-shop @joieamoursg.
The event was a close-door bloggers kinda thing. As always, it was comfy and it's always a great way to catch up with all my other blogging mates that I haven't seen in forever!
Did I mention that we were also served brunch from Prive? OMG.... I felt like a glutton that day because I just kept eating and eating and eating, even though I had a shoot right after the event. The food was so damn good. I don't know if it was because I was just hungry but I've never seen myself eaten so much that early in the morning. Yes, I try not to eat before noon because it's like eating extra calories. Think about it, there are days where I'd wake up at noon with an empty stomach, so why should I eat on days when I'm awake? Isn't it extra calories? 

But how can I resist these yummy-looking delicacies? 
(P.s. Photos were all taken using the Samsung NX Mini. Darn good right?)
Pretty Miss Potato. hehehe
Pretty sunshine lady. I haven't seen Jamie for the longest time.
And here's what I ate! I only took a little of everything because I didn't wanna come across as greedy. hehe. But Jamie and my manager Sheena didn't eat so I helped myself to their serving. HAHAHA. Thank you ladies for not eating, I'll be more than happy to help you ;)
*Visuals Time!*
Selfie camera is a must have for any blogger.
I love how clear the shots are!
Testing my skin's hydration level using this hydration analyser device! So cool right? I really love living in a tech-savvy world.
With the gorgeous Sophia! It's been forever since I've seen this girl too. I'm so envious of the life she's leading now. She's always traveling and doing fun stuffs. Me wants too!! And I bet you didn't know that Sophia's one of the reason why I started my blog back in August 2012 (wow, it's been almost 2 years!) So anyway, I was modelling for one of her Juice Market collections and she was talking to me about how I should start a blog. I gave it some thought and went for it. And here I am now. She probably won't remember this but that's how it all started! hahaha. 

Anyhow, I am really thankful for this girl. I remember modelling for one of her very first Juice Market fashion show alongside other local models/icons that I look up to, and I remember feeling very insecure (I was only about 17 then!). But she kept motivating and encouraging me, and it was really all I needed to know that I can actually be somebody too. Thanks babe! :*
Welfie time! The pictures look damn good right? Natural lighting is always the best lighting.
The event ended on a really good note and I can't help but say this, I really adore how colourful and chirpy-looking everything was. If only I had a room with that sort of ambience. It would be perfect for all sort of advertorial shots huh? hehehe. I know that was pretty random, pardon me, it's actually 12.47am right now so my head's a little cuckoo now.
Moving forward, I had to rush for a shoot right after the event! I usually don't do this because it makes me extremely exhausted at the end of the day but with my schedule so packed with events and work, I'd agreed to do it. I mean, I'm really itching to get back into the blogshop modelling world anyway. The shoot was for Styash. You can't find their site yet because they're a new online boutique that specialises in all things classy and elegant, but you can check them out on Instagram at @Styash ;)
Another reason why I'd agreed to the shoot? BECAUSE IT WAS WITH ASYIHA! hehehe
I love doing shoot with this girl. I'd mentioned before that we just complement each other in photos. We are both about the same height, same size and same skin tone. And her good profile is her right side while mine's the left. So naturally it's easier to work together. hehehe. I'm sure you guys understand how tough it is to take a selfie with a girlfriend who has the same "good side" as you right ;)
Styash shoot was a lot different from what Asyiha and I were used to. Well, at least it was for me. I'm used to getting my own hair and make-up done, and to be honest, I don't really like it when a MUA does it. Let's look at it this way, I've been doing my own hair and make up for the past 4 years, so I know what works for me. 

My skills may not be as good as the professionals, and I may not know much about good cosmetic brands, neither do I own lots of make up brushes, but at the end of the day, I still like to get things done on my own. I just feel a lot more confident knowing that I did my own make up, I feel great with my thick brows (An issue I'll address soon. I'm tired of people constantly telling me that my brows are too thick...) and I love wearing lots of blusher and really bright lipstick. What's wrong with that??? If you think that natural makeup's the way to go, then good for you. But I think otherwise. At least, I don't spend a hell lot of my time applying concealer on my lips to make it as seem as nude as possible. 

Anyway! Sorry for those random rants. I guess I haven't been blogging for way too long so I just HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY!! As I was saying, Styash engaged a MUA for this shoot and even though I would rather do my own hair and make up, I was surprisingly REALLY happy with this MUA. Her name's Venice, she's super cute (without even trying) and the most awesome thing about her is that she let's me do my own make up!!! She would just touch up where ever she thinks is necessary. Love love love her <3
Shameless selfies...
As mentioned earlier, Styash is a really new shop. They haven't even launched yet but keep a look out for them! ;) They're so committed and organised, they even prepared a "look" sheet for Asyiha and I. And duhhh... I was so happy that they wanted me to look like Lana Del Rey. hehehe. And Asyiha's short hair is making me wanna cut my hair short too!
Half the team behind the shoot ;)
Did I mention that it was an outdoor shoot? hehehe. Just imagine how exhausted I was after everything. I love doing outdoor shoots though a lot more effort has to be put into it. I just think that it's the only way for me to improve myself as a model (Not that I aspire to be a professional model forever lah.. But it's always good to upgrade yourself right.) 

Indoor studio shoots are fun but after doing it for almost 4 years, I've become extremely comfortable in that sort of environment, my poses have become really predictable and some says that I model like a robot. HAHA. At outdoor shoots, I am challenged to brave the heat, the natural environment, which isn't always pretty and nice. We'd get really sweaty and sticky, and it really isn't as glamorous as everyone thinks. In a way, outdoor shoots is a glimpse of what real modelling is really like.
Yes, this is a picture of my right side aka my bad side. I look pretty different eh...
The shoot went on for about 4-5 hours? Including hair and make up. It was probably one of the longest outdoor shoot I've ever done and it was without a doubt, extremely challenging. Just look at those railway tracks, Asyiha and I had to balance on those with heels on! To make matters even more dramatic, we had to balance on just ONE FOOT. hahaha.

I'm just glad that we were working with a super supportive team of really humble and SUPER NICE people. So I didn't mind doing it anyway. Hopefully the pictures will turn out fine. HAHA. I had to pose on my right side (bad side) so I'm REALLY praying that I'll look at least acceptable.

Anyway, thank you Styash for having us! Mucks! Mucks!
8th June 2014, Sunday
Trick Eye Museum & Jordan Belfort Seminar

The very next day, Fai and I had to get up early to visit the Singapore Trick Eye Museum at Resorts World Sentosa! Yes, I can never wake up late over the weekends. But again, I AM NOT COMPLAINING. As long as I'm waking up for things that I enjoy doing, it's perfectly fine :)

Back to what I was talking about, we were invited to check out the Trick Eye Museum at RWS. I haven't heard of it before but apparently, it's really popular in Korea or something. Basically, it's an exhibition of 3D pictures, paintings and installations that are able to well... trick your eyes. We've seen such paintings around town before, so I was exactly blown away by the exhibition. It was nonetheless; pretty entertaining to watch others get creative with the artworks on display. 

The Trick Eye Museum is located at RWS, in between USS and the S.E.A Aquarium. It's open from 10am to 9pm throughout the week and tickets are only available for sale at the doors. It's $25 for adults and $20 for children and senior citizens ;) For more information click here.
One of my favourite OOTDS ever!! Scoop-back top from Chacey Love, skirt from Cadycollections, heels and earrings from New Look, and bag from @saint_hk ^^
I'm gonna leave you with the visuals. I mean.. it is after all about treating your eyes to all things fascinating right? hehe
This one was my favourite obviously! hahaha. Who doesn't wanna have huge fluffy angel wings?
And it was so much fun being apart of one of Edgar Degas famous ballet paintings. hehehe
Thank you my dearest Fai Fai for snapping those pictures for me. I know how tired you were but you still woke up early to head down all the way to RWS for me <3
Walking around the entire exhibition only took us about an 1 hour or less. There was a lot to see and do but since we went on the opening day, there was an influx of tourists as well. So we didn't get to take pictures with all the artworks and installations. There were even queues for the popular artworks, and Fai and I just couldn't wait because we had to rush all the way to Singapore Expo for the Jordan Belfort (A Day With The Wolf Of Wall Street) seminar.

Yes! Events after events! I could do this forever. hehehe.
A few posts back, I'd mentioned that I was super excited for this seminar because I think that it'll be beneficial for me in the future and I was right. Right up to this very day (10 days after the seminar) whatever Jordan said at the seminar is still ringing in my ears. Jordan was exactly like what Leonardo portrayed in the movie, only he was sober. hahaha. 

He was so inspiring and there's so much to learn from him. Right after the seminar, I was extremely motivated to work towards what I want and with his words of advice, I am a lot more confident now of pursuing my dreams. I still carry that slip of paper I wrote notes on during the seminar in my bag everyday. Whenever I feel low and really tired from work, those words I'd written on that paper instantly wakes me up and pushes me to persevere and get things done.

I bet you're wondering what I wrote huh? Well... didn't I say that you'd miss out on a lot if you don't sign up for the seminar? hehehe. No lah.. I'm not so selfish. I'll share it in another more detailed post in future ;)
10th June 2014, Tuesday
The Lion Men 2 Gala Premiere

It's been almost a year since filming for The Lion Men wrapped up and it's finally done for good. It was without a doubt one of the most memorable things that have ever happened to me so far. It was tiring and there were many ups and downs, mostly downs. HAHA. But I had a great time nonetheless, especially with my fellow cast mates. I'd mentioned earlier this year that without their support, I would have given up halfway through filming. I just couldn't get my shit right then.

Anyway, The Lion Men 2 is out and you might not see me in it at all actually. HAHA. People are questioning if I even acted in it at all. Well, I did but I wasn't involved much because during the filming for part 2, I had to constantly attend classes in school. So you would probably notice that I'm missing from a lot of the scenes. hahaha.

It felt great to be reunited with the casts anyway. It's been so long since I last heard from them, most of which have gone on to do other greater things but nothing much has changed. The Yun Xiao peeps are still the same old silly people that I adore :)

As always, I had trouble finding the perfect dress for the gala. I always do! It's so tough picking out an outfit because I was afraid that I would be either underdressed or overdressed. Sure, I wanna look good for the red carpet but I don't want to look as though I tried too hard. haha. So I ended up wearing something I've always wanted to wear, but it's always too "nice" for a normal party night. So it was perfect for the red carpet! It was a gold bodycon bandage dress I got from Far East Plaza. I felt confident and comfortable in it, and it looks great in photos too! PERFECTO.
*Visuals Time!*
This time, Gushcloud was also invited for the gala premiere!!! 
I was so happy to be able to see more familiar faces.
Xavier <3
Audrey and Rachel <3
Reiee <3 
(I was secretly admiring her the whole night. She looked so freaking elegant and gorgeous!)
Joanna <3
Kay Kay <3
Hui Xin <3

Sexy Veracia <3
Yun Xiao girls <3
The choreographers behind the entire movie who've worked so relentlessly, Step and Ben <3 If you're looking for dance classes, you can check out their studio at ;)
The following shots were taken by my frienager, Audrey. hehehe
The only red carpet shot that was worthy enough to be posted. hahaha
#TeamGC #GCrepresent #GCpride
You can tell that I'm getting a little lazy/tired to finish this post right? It's so freaking long! I hope that I'm not making you bored. Anyway, the night ended on a good note with Xavier, Audrey and I at Hai Di Lao. hahaha. Forgive me, I didn't eat for the entire day just to fit into that dress okay. 

Yeap and that was it! Personally, I prefer part 2 of The Lion Men (even though I didn't have much screen time at all). hahaha. The lead actress's (Eva) acting was amazing and she really nailed every single emotion expected out of her. On top of that, she's so freaking gorgeous inside and out. (p.s she's au natural) She's really humble and a great person to be around with too. She even left the audience with one tear jerking moment. We've heard many reviews about the movie, good and bad. But honestly, I'm sure there'll be more good than bad for part 2 compared to part 1. You be the judge ;)
12th June 2014, Thursday
I.T Store preview at Orchard Gateway & Ohsofickle shoot

Stupid me mistook the upcoming Anna Sui event on the 12th June instead of it's actual date on the 21st June. I must have switched the numbers by accident. Because of that, I'd turned down the invitation to the I.T Store preview at Orchard Gateway :( I truly regret it because it looked like a hell lot of fun on all of the other bloggers' Instagram. Even Fiona Fussi was there! And I missed out on an opportunity to take a picture with her. hahaha (fan girl mode on)

But I managed to head down for a bit (like a mere 10 minutes) with my manager Freda, since we were passing by town anyway. The new store is such a beauty! The moment I'd stepped into it, I just wanted to go crazy shopping but that wasn't possible since the official launch was only the day after. Of course, like every other girl, I was really excited for ONE thing. You'd probably know what I'm gonna say. hehehe. Duhhh... I was excited for Style Nanda!!! We, Singaporean ladies have been waiting way too long for this Korean brand to hit town. And it's finally here!

I didn't get to check it out though :( I left the premises a few seconds before the opening of the Style Nanda section... What luck... Well, I'll head over some time soon this weekend and see if I'll be able to find anything I like. Asyiha said that they don't offer their popular cosmetic brand 3CE :( So that was pretty disappointing.. Hopefully their range of shoes will make up for it.

*Visuals Time!*
So happy to see Hellven there! 
(photo credit to Val)
(photo credit to Hellven)
These were the only pictures I managed to get from the event :(

After which, Freda and I had to rush back to GC's office for shoot! Yes, Gushcloud has their very own studio in their new office which makes things a lot easier for us bloggers. I've been taking my ootds there pretty regularly over the past few days. hehehe.

And have you checked out the latest OSF collection? I'm not only in love with the apparels, they're always so tasteful, but I am also deeply in love with the pictures! They're shot by the very talented Bobby Kiran Yeo. Pretty familiar name huh? Well, you can check out some of his works on his Facebook Page----> <3 He specialises in bridal shoots but this OSF shoot proves that he works just as great for fashion shoots too yeah?

I had an awesome time shooting for OSF, and thanks to Fai, who filmed the behind the scenes, I have a new vlog up on my Youtube Channel! Here it is^^
*Visuals Time!*
The night ended with Ayam Nasi Briyani and Roti Prata. Oh my, I am getting fat.
And that's how my Thursday went.
13th June 2014, Friday
TreePotatoes Shoot

Fai left for Penang on a company retreat the very next morning and it feels like we haven't been spending much alone time together lately :( Now do you see what I mean by we're both too busy? So while he was away, I went back to the office for a shoot with Tree Potatoes! It felt really weird to be in the office without him around. 

Anyway, this time, I was surrounded by so many chiobus!!! My Hydrafresh buddies were were all there too. hehehehe. I don't think I should talk much about what we were there for. You just have to wait and keep a lookout for the video we're in on Tree Potatoes's Youtube channel ;)
WHEW!!!! We're almost coming to an end with this blog post. I'm gonna say it again, it's so terribly long! Well, it is long. But I hope not "terribly" hehehe. Okay, my brain is talking crap again. 
Maybe it's time for me to go!

To sum it all up, I had an awesome time over the past 2 weeks and I really just can't wait for more opportunities after graduation. I really just want my life to be like that even though I know it won't last forever. So I'm really appreciative of what I have now. 

Things are great, and I cannot be more thankful for Gushcloud by my side, pushing me to the best of my abilities no matter how busy I already am. It just feels great knowing that a team of people are behind you supporting and understanding you. 

Just 23 more days! I can do this.
Thanks for reading. Till next time ;)

Eunice Annabel

1) Obsessions Of The Damsel (OOTD)
"Obsessions Of The Damsel (OOTD) is a Singapore based online store where all modern women can fulfill their obsessions and desires from head to toe, at affordable prices. The apparels offered are brought in mainly from Bangkok, China, and Korean and each and every one of them has undergone quality checks by their team, before they reach to YOU. So you can be certain that quality at OOTD is never compromised."

Ta-Da!!!! OOTD is finally back in the game after a really long hiatus due to school. (school seems to always be getting in the way of everything huh?) Anyway, they were really afraid that you guys might have forgotten about them but I know that that isn't possible. I mean how can anyone forget such an awesome boutique that's not only super trustworthy, but offers stunning quality apparels at such affordable prices?? 

Their come back collection is to die for, I had a tough time picking what I wanted. But I settled for the following (not wanting to be greedy. hehehe). So here are my picks!^^

Luxe Ruche Contour Bodycon Dress in Navy
As mentioned on my Instagram, this is one of favourite bodycon dresses ever! I have them in Blue and Nude as well and I find that they're such versatile pieces that would look great for almost any occasion. The ruche detailing allows you to hide any bulging tummy so you can go on a dinner date with this dress on without having to worry about looking "fat"! hahaha. It's really comfy and stretchy too. Navy is a new colour that is exclusively re-manufactured specially for OOTD. Backorders are opened for it, so sign up now!

Essential Bralet in Black and Keith Essential Pants
The moment I wore these two babies during OOTD's shoot, I just had to have it! I've been looking for a basic black bralet for the longest time, and they're always either too loose or just not as appealing as I want it to be. This one however, is extremely flattering and it'll work great with ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. From now on, it's my favourite go-to top. 

The Keith Essential Pants is another must have item from OOTD's latest collection. Just like the bralet, the pants got well with anything and everything too! hahaha. I paired them both together and got a very classy, yet laid back outfit. It's great for casual days out in town over the weekends with your girlfriends, or you can dress it up with heels and accessories and it's party/event worthy!

Keep an eye out for OOTD from now on yeah? I can't wait to see their next collection! I'm sure they'll be back with another smashing collection ;)

Follow them on their social media platforms for more updates!
Instagram: @obsessionsofthedamsel

Shop away
2) Fundsplz
Fundsplz is an online Fashion Store based in Singapore, founded in 2013. At Fundsplz, we believe that fashion is a passion and we strive to offer a wide selection of Stylish, High Quality apparels at very affordable prices. Don't underestimate Fundsplz, they actually offer a wide range of really pretty apparels that's great for both school and play! Fan of casual, yet comfy apparels, you should check them out. Here are my picks!^^

Denim Crop Top
I am a huge fan of this latest trend. Denim Crop Tops! I first saw them at Topshop some time earlier this year but I didn't get it because it's just way too overpriced. And I'm so happy that Fundsplz actually offers it. It's the perfect top to wear to school, and it looks great paired with almost anything because denim will never go out of style. Definitely a top worth investing in ^^

3 Caged Bralet
I realised that I actually don't own any a caged bralet. So I jumped at the opportunity to get it from Fundsplz! This caged bralet works well for dresses or tops with a low back detail as shown in the pictures above. It's extremely soft and comfy, and I'm pretty impressed with it's quality too. Guess what? Fundsplz is only offering it at $15!?!? Such a good buy!

Follow them on their social media platforms for more updates!
Instagram: @fundsplz 

Like their Facebook page to enjoy 5% off your total bill! :) 
Spend $60 above, and get a free registered postage by quoting my name!
T&C: Applicable to all items except backorders/preorders item :) 

Shop away!

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