
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

SunsilkGoodTimes in NYC 2014 {Day 2} X Adverts- Peppythread, Carrislabelle

Short update before I move on to the main topic...

Guess what guys! I just got back from filming and I'm currently in the office now rushing out this blog post. I won't be able to blog for the next couple of days due to filming and I have to spend the rest of my time working on blog drafts hence the decision to work on this now. I'm tired but fret not, I'm not worn out... yet. So don't worry too much about me my lovely readers :) 

Filming has been awesome so far and it's nothing like what I'd experienced before. Remember a couple of months back when I said I hated filming and I never wanna do it ever again? Well, I was wrong. You see, every job is tough but at the end of the day, it's the people you work with that makes the difference. I love the people I work with- the cast, the crew, EVERYONE. The energy on set is amazing and thinking about how it's gonna end in just a month's time is already making me really sad. I feel extremely blessed and honoured to be working with really experienced veteran actors, and I have so much to learn from them. The crew are such nice people, it just makes me wanna work twice as hard so that everyone's efforts are well paid off. Also, the hours aren't as long as I'd expected! So I still get adequate hours of rest which permits me to still blog and attend events.

All in all, I am VERY happy at the moment and nothing can pull me down ;)

SunsilkGoodTimes in NYC 2014 {Day 2}
Right! Here's part 2 to what happened in NYC. I can't believe that it's been more than a week since I'd been to NYC. Acting is definitely one of the things I'd always wanted to do since young and I'm glad to have accomplished it. But blogging will always be a job I hold close to my heart because it got me to where I am today. I will always be grateful to Gushcloud and Unilever for sending me over to New York for a Sunsilk photo shoot; for the second time. 

Waking up the second day in New York was hard. I was extremely tired from all the walking around and shopping the day before. But at the same time, I was excited to get on set and "werk it"! The shoot went well last year and the shots came out amazing but with the experience I'd garnered from last year, I was more prepared than ever to aim for even better shots!

Things were planned a little different this year. Instead of one photo shoot, we had two to attend! And one of which was an outdoor shoot at Brooklyn Bridge. Just like last year, Sunsilk has proven to be a really youthful and fun brand. Unlike a usual shoot where everything needs to be close to perfect, their shoots allowed us to run or jump around freely without having to worry too much about how we look. The behind the scenes photos captured by my lovely manager Audrey, will further explain what I mean later on :)

My ootd for NYC day 2! 
It looked entirely different from what all the other bloggers wore. It was summer in New York, without a doubt but it was still a little colder than Singapore. So being a typical Singaporean, I took the opportunity to layer on some pieces paired with my favourite pair of buckled boots. Everyone else wore sandals with floral dresses, swing tops and denim shorts- I can do that everyday in Singapore! So why waste the opportunity I have in NYC to dress up a little different from how I would in SG? ;)
Cardigan - Scape
Necklace and Boots - H&M
Shades - Ray Ban
Watch - Michael Kors

Capturing beautiful shots in New York is always possible. Take the following images for example, I could just to be sitting at a cafe using my phone and they would all come out looking amazing. Well, they look amazing to me and that's all that matters. hahaha. It's just something I can't seem to achieve in Singapore sadly :( It just looks too tropical and Singaporeans just don't dress up (I don't blame them though since it's freaking humid here) so if they happen to appear in the background of my photos, the entire picture's ruined :(
A little bit of breakfast before starting the day.
With Shawn from Unilever, the man who brought me to NYC! He made it all possible <3 Thank you Shawn!:)
I was pleasantly surprised by the huge poster that greeted us on our way into the studio. I was in fact, very proud and honoured. Almost till the point that tears could swell up in my eyes. In that every moment, I felt so thankful for everyone who've helped me along this journey. I love the poster so much that I wanted to bring it back home with me! hahaha. I just want to always remember that feeling I felt when I saw it for the first time. It has become an object of huge significance.
Reunited with Yuko again!! She's such a joy to be around with and it's proven on my face. hahaha
Showing my Samsung NXmini's flip screen off to Minal from Salt London. hehehe
This year, the selection of outfits were wider! There were so many options, almost too many that could probably last me an entire year. The colours were a lot bolder and brighter this year too! Not to mention, there were even designer pieces from brands like Fendi, Stella McCartney and more! Basically just brands I would never ever even think of spending on in real life. For once, I had an opportunity to wear them and they felt awesome! hehehe
Our super cool DJ playing all the latest tracks. Doesn't she look fabulous!!!
Reunited with Brit, our amazing makeup artist!!! She's such a lovely person, so warm and optimistic. I remember feeling really sad leaving NYC on the last day, saying goodbye to her :( In fact, I felt really sad saying goodbye to everyone. I just don't know when I'll be back again...
So happy I can die!!!!
Next, I was taken to the wardrobe section to get changed into my beautiful Stella McCartney dress. It has the most gorgeous shade of purple which complimented my skin tone really well and I couldn't ask for a better outfit! I just wish I hadn't eaten so much before changing into it. hahaha. I had quite a tough time sucking in my tummy in the entire shoot! But I can't help it! Food in NYC is amazing. Especially breakfast. Think scrambled eggs, bacons, sausages, hash browns etc. YUMS!
The amazing Anna Wolf!!! She's amazing at brining out emotions in people and she's always ready to capture the perfect moment at the right time. A true talent.
The board that has all our names on it with the various stations we were required to complete. It was a way to keep track of what's done and what hasn't been done. So innovative huh!
Darling Audrey helping me with the behind the scenes photos and video! Thank God for her and thank you Sunsilk for sending her over to NYC with me! Yay to more pretty pictures this year.
A Sunsilk shoot isn't complete without a sweet table of treats. 
We also had lots of props to play with! Much more this year!
And I finally managed to grab a shot with all the 7 Sunsilk experts this year!:)) They're all so unique and important to the brand, and there's so much to learn from each and everyone of them. 
Everyone listening attentively to Anna explaining the concept of the shoot. She was so animated, it was so adorable!
Then, it was time to get my hair ready!! It's the most important part of everything in a way. I mean the shoot is about hair after all right! hehe
Teddy Charles was my expert this year. Ladies, if you're finding ways to create volume for your hair, look no further. Teddy is an expert in that field and he has worked with countless amount of hollywood celebrities and icons. It was such an honour to allow him to work on my mane. Do you know that a week before the Sunsilk shoot, he did Miranda Kerr's hair?!?! I found out through his Instagram and was shrieking in excitement on my own. hahaha. 

Teddy said that hair is like metal. If you want it to stay in a certain way, you gotta heat it up from the roots and clip it securely in place while it cools down. Like metal, hair will take the shape you desire as it cools down. This applies especially when you're curling your hair. He said that the reason why curls don't last that long for most of us is because we only curl the ends of our hair. The right way to do it is to start from the roots and brush it out gently, so that the curl would flow down naturally.
He allowed my hair to cool down and set for about 10 minutes before removing the clips.
And here's the outcome of my hair!!! Beautiful old hollywood glam curls (that Teddy loves a lot and specialises in) that would last all day! There's so much volume in my mane, it bounces as I walk. haha
I love having curly hair! It's a huge change from last year. Which do you think suits me better?:)
I'll let the following pictures do the rest of the talking. I'm sure they'll do a better job anyway :)
With gorgeous Nil from Turkey! She's a stunner. Do all Turkey girls have to be so beautiful!? 
Giving my nails a little bit more sparkle!
This has gotta be one of the highlights of the shoot! It was so impromptu and I'm sure the shots are gonna turn out awesome for this one.
And finally, a group shot with the experts <3
With Dr. Francesca Fusco <3
Yoshi and Yuko <3
And I gotta have a photo taken with the amazing stylists! They looked so cool don't they? hehe
The day ended with a little wrap party on the roof of the studio. As always, the view from any roof in NYC would look amazing, and this one was no exception. We watched the sunset over a couple of beers (I didn't drink! I'm underage in NYC) and after a few hours, it was time to go home. I returned to my hotel and yeah... KO. hahaha

Candid picture of Teddy lazing around on the roof. I would do whatever he was doing everyday if I could.
The sky looked amazing doesn't it?
With Shawn, Louise, Minal, Anna and Tori! <3
With Jamie! <3
And my gorgeous manager Audrey <3 Thank you for everything.
Nil :)
Lu lu :)
Marie :)
Sherry :)
Karen :)
And that concludes my second day in NYC!:) It was a tiring day but I had a lot of fun and a lot more special memories to hold close to my heart. It wasn't just about being in front of the camera and being in the limelight. It was mostly about working with beautiful and inspirational people around an amazing set in one of the greatest cities ever. I've been to NYC twice now and I am a Sunsilk ambassador, but I still can't believe that I'm this lucky. I'm still trying to figure it all out and till that happens, I will always be grateful for everyone who played a part in making it happen. For making things happen. And that includes you my readers! For without you, I am nothing. So thank YOU for all your support and love <3 <3 <3

Alright, I'm gonna go off now. I haven't eaten anything since 2pm :( And I gotta be up by 9am later! Sigh, time is really not on my side but it's alright! Like I mentioned before, I am VERY happy and contented with my life now.


Thanks for reading!
Eunice Annabel


1) Peppythread
"PeppyThread is a comprehensive online destination for fashion-forward girls for both work and play! The PeppyThread girl is an epitome of a truly modern, sexy and confident lady; gentle and feminine yet exudes a sense of fun and flirty style through her choices."

Casual, bold and fun-loving- that's how I'd describe a Peppythread girl. At Peppythread, you'll find apparels that aren't only pretty but versatile. I'm certain that you'll love them if you're the sort that's always in a hurry or unsure of what to wear. Just put together a few basic pieces from Peppythread and you're good to go! Here are my picks this time (A little more tropical. hehe)

Vicky Lace Top (White)
Go back to basics in style with a lace crochet top. It's perfect for our humid climate and looks good without you having to fuss too much over it. We've all seen tons of tops like this before, so what's so special about this piece? Well, I simply love the cut and quality! It crops just at the right length and I was really surprised at the quality. To be honest, lace tops like this usually comes with unsightly loose threads, uneven hemlines etc. But that wasn't the case for this piece. Available in Black too.

Tropical Dress (White)
It's still summer so why not don a bright tropical dress like this before the attention turns to fur and plaids once more? I don't know about you but I am a huge fan of neoprene fabric. I'd mentioned before that it's a lot more rigid than most fabrics so it doesn't crumple easily- awesome news for someone like me who hates ironing my clothes! hahaha. I love how this dress is made up of neoprene and the colours just make me feel so happy! Exactly what I need at the moment :)

More awesome apparels are up for grabs on Peppythread's new collection! I'm sure you'll enjoy their fruity collection ;) They launch a new collection every Sunday, 8pm! 

For more updates, follow Peppythread on their social media platforms!
Instagram: @Peppythread

Quote "EUNICEA2OFF" to enjoy $2 off Total Purchase
Have fun shopping ladies!:)
2) Carrislabelle
"Carrislabelle is a young, cheerful and sophisticated brand that caters to young ladies and adults. The idea of the brand Carrislabelle came from it's owner named "Carris" and a French word La Belle, which means "beautiful or lovely woman" in English. Every woman deserves clothing that best represent their style, and we hope you will find yours in Carrislabelle."

Say Carrislabelle and I'll think of sexy, stunning dresses. I know this well because I own TONS of their dresses. They're perfect for parties, events and special dates ;) Every girl gotta own a Carrislabelle dress. It's just an essential. Here's what I'd picked to add on to my collection.

Alyssa Cross Dress
I love bodycon dresses but there're days where I'd rather feel comfortable and look playful instead. The Alyssa Cross Dress is a piece that's simple yet interesting at the same time. And I assure you that it's key feature- the cross details- isn't as uncomfortable as it looks. HAHA. Every Carrislabelle dress is made up of really soft cotton-blend fabric that's sure to give you maximum comfort hence, allowing you to feel confident at all times.

Double Slit Cut Pants
One of my favourite pieces from Carrislabelle ever! I'm a huge fan of wearing pants. They help me exude a more sophisticated appeal and I feel like I'm taken a lot more seriously when I'm in them. hahaha. Anyways! Who says you can't look all so sexy in pants? Just take a look at Carrislabelle's Double Slit Cut Pants. It's a stunning piece you gotta own if you're looking to be the centre of attention at a party ;)

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