
Monday, November 17, 2014

I'm Already 20! So Where Are My Boobs?

Disclaimer: This post contains frank opinions about being small chested. If you're uncomfortable about discussing such subjects, I suggest you stop reading this instant. Everything mentioned here are solely based on my personal experience and my point of views. Hence, if you have a different opinion, feel free to comment in the section below but try and stay away from saying anything mean alright? No one appreciates rude remarks. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! ;)

That's a question I've been secretly asking myself over the last couple of months. In about 2 months time, I'll officially be an adult but why do I feel less like a woman? Dear chest, I've been waiting for you to show me some love ever since I was 16 and it's about time that you start growing yeah?

I've always been a petite human being. As a child, every Chinese New Year, my aunts would remind me of how I look the same as the year before in terms of height and size. They would constantly talk about how I hadn't grown at all. Years later as I grew into a teenager, they kept their mouths shut when I stood taller than most of them. The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

That little proud moment of mine gave me the mentality that maybe I'm just a late bloomer. Like my height that took forever to show up, maybe my boobs just needed a little more time too. That eased up my worries and I grew contented with the way I looked no matter how small my chests were. I could stand beside a friend with huge nunga nungas (thumbs up if you get where that came from), and not feel embarrassed at all. I was THAT confident of my body as a teenager.

But now that I'm a woman, I long for the curves that I once hated. Watching Nicki Minaj's Anaconda video doesn't help with my confidence level at all. No one can deny the fact that having at least a B cup makes you feel a lot more womanly. Currently, I just feel like a girl. But then again, in life, if you can't change something, then maybe you have to accept it for what it is. So here I am changing my mindset about my small chest. (Sorry, I have to say boobs and chest a lot in this post) 

So what is it really like to live with such tiny boobs? 
I'm not entirely complaining about them because some days they help me get things done more efficiently, but other days when I'm reminded of how small they are, I can't help but feel insecure. Firstly, with such small chests, you don't look good in plunging neckline tops (not that everyone of us are fans of such outfits) but I honestly am! If I had average sized boobs, you'd probably see me in them most of the time. Which is probably why God gave me 32As instead, so I wouldn't go about living my life looking like a hooker. No, I'm not calling anyone names, neither is it wrong to wear such revealing outfits, I'm just getting my point across.

Next, I can't go to the beach in a bikini without thinking that people are judging me. It's funny how I used to feel so confident in a bikini, but I'm not the same anymore. In fact, I'm already worrying about what to wear for Zoukout 2015 or an upcoming trip to Bali. You know, I think I handle criticisms pretty well because all of the criticisms I've ever received where regarding stuffs that weren't true. But when someone pokes fun at how small chested I am, that's when it hits me cause I can't run away from the fact that I might probably never get B cups. (Unless I go under the knife, which I've never thought about before.)

These insecurities deter me from feeling good about myself, which in turns, ruins any fun or happiness I'm supposed to enjoy. So I've decided to just let things be. I do not plan to live the rest of my life feeling bad about my boobs. After all, I'm only feeling like that because of what the media is constantly portraying! To society, boobs equal womanhood. But that's not true, what makes a woman a woman is how she presents herself and how she thinks. It's her security and confidence that's attractive. After all, boobs are just fats accumulated on your chest right? No offence to anyone out there, I'm just trying to make my small chested girlfriends and myself happy for a bit.

With all that said, here are some advantages to having small boobs.

I have to admit, whenever I feel bad about the size of my boobs, I'd remind myself that runway models have boobs just like mine too. (Well, not all of them but most of them.) Besides, boobs are meant to fit your frame. Petite girls with huge boobs just aren't meant to be, it's all about the proportions. So if you're not so well endowed in the boobs department, fret not! Give yourself a pat on the back for your slender frame ;)

You can wear anything and not look slutty! You know it's true ;) 
Whether it's a tube top, or a halter-neck or a simple camisole, you don't EVER have to worry about your boobs spilling out. Some may even tell you that you don't need to wear a bra since there's nothing to really hide anyway. Which means comfort all day long! Studies have also shown that women with larger boobs tend to have difficulties finding a top that fits them well. Another reason to be happy with your small chest! You go fashionista!

Back aches? Saggy boobs? Bad posture? You'll never know what those feel like. *clap hands*

Whether you're sleeping like a foetus or running a marathon or jumping up and down in a club to your favourite song, you can do anything you want and not have to worry about your boobies getting in the way.

Why should we even give a sh*t about what guys think about our boobs? Yes, it may seem that guys find bigger boobs more attractive but it really doesn't matter once you've found Mr. Right. Your husband's or boyfriend's opinion only matters then and if he likes the way you look then good. There's nothing else to worry about. And trust me, typically men are happy just with any pair of breasts their woman has. Besides, you should only get together with a guy who likes you for YOU and not your appearance.

Also, women with bigger boobs tend to have to deal with men staring at them or people not taking them seriously. If a guy is hitting on you and if you are small chested, then you know he's not interested in you for the wrong reason.


I'm certain that there are many other advantages to owning small boobs but these are just a few I can think of right now. Should you have any other reasons, please let me know so that I can share it with everyone else out there who're facing the same situation as me.

All in all, always look on the brighter side of things and think of any situation positively. You shouldn't be embarrassed and you shouldn't feel less like a woman if you have small boobs. It's okay not to have that cleavage, like I said, they're just fats accumulated on your chest anyway. That's not a good reason to feel bad about yourself or your body. I mean they're just FATS. If you're upset that you didn't manage to accomplish a goal or whatever, then fine. But come on, no point putting yourself down over something as trivial as not having cleavage. 

And if you ever think about getting a boob job, please just learn to love yourself for who you are and how you look. I know this may sound totally off point but studies have shown that guys seem to hate implants because they're so hard and unnatural. But then again, we shouldn't even worry about what anyone else thinks. Just do whatever pleases you but remember to appreciate what you have first.

If you find it hard to appreciate what you have, it's okay. That takes time and while you're on your way to get there, you can try different methods to making your boobs appear larger without having to go under the knife. Personally, I like to wear push-up bras and there's NOTHING wrong with that. If that makes me feel confident about myself, then who cares?

Everyone's going to have their own opinion and perception on how boobs should be. But what really matters is what's in YOUR mind. As long as you're firm in what you believe in, nothing you hear or see can ever sway you.


For those of you who're interested in finding out how to make your boobs appear larger, here's a pretty good video by one of my favourite YouTubers. I ended up getting the Victoria's Secret Bombshell add 2-cup size push up bra but nahhh... it looks too fake, not worth the money. Everything else works though :p

Thanks for reading, have a great week ahead lovelies <3


  1. Great sharing babe! Stay as natural as you can be... I know it takes a lot of courage to be confident in our 'petite size'... totally understand it!

    1. Thanks Annabelle!:) I think it feels alright on a normal day but when it's time to head to the beach, that's when the insecurities start flowing in. hahaha. But we're not alone!

  2. I would never go for a boob job, adding all these unnatural fake stuffs in my body makes me less confident than before in some way. No offence to those who did it before >.<

  3. So you talk about slow growth on your recent post.Ermm basically at what age do you start growing the most because i kinda have the same problem and i wonder whether i will still grow taller or not...

    1. Hmm... tough question for me to answer. haha but I think you should grow the most when you're 17-18?

  4. hii may i ask whats your height and weight??^^

  5. hi eunice :) just a random question but are you still growing any taller at age 20? and high five girl we both be in the small booby department


    1. Hahaha high five back!! Hmm.. I don't think I am :(

  6. Hello Eunice,
    You have always been my inspiration, even when it comes to things like these....boobies.
    Been bullied about this quite a lot, but you make me feel more confident now.
    Thank you so much!

    Nicole Kimberly

    1. Hello dear!
      I know what that feels like :( To be made fun of over something so dumb. hahaha
      Great to know you're feeling more confident now! Remember what this feeling is like the next time someone tries to bring you down :)

  7. small boobs is perfectly fine!! btw, I saw u in real life and i think you are gorgeous!(:

  8. Hi Eunice, what kind of push-ups do you go for? x

    1. Try Sloggi! I can't exactly remember the specific name. But I love them! Ultra soft!

  9. Hi, I saw that you got the Victoria's Secret Bombshell Bra, is it the same sizing that you get or are those sizes slightly different? I have always been wanting to get that but scared that the size is not right. Anyway, thanks for sharing this. I am also not well endowed in that area too but I am not petite like you are. Used to feel leak of confident too but what you say is true. So glad that you have a positive mindset. :)

    1. The size is true to fit but I'm honestly not a fan of wearing it. It definitely makes my boobies appear a lot larger but it looks and feels pretty unnatural. I feel weird with them on! haha But ultimately it's up to individual.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Boobs are boobs that every woman has.

    Whether they are tiny or large boobs, a woman should embrace her body and love her boobs anyway :D It's honestly just like body shape and size. I'm naturally petite, but I'm always a believer of a healthy body image and lifestyle. If you're slim, love your body. If you're curvy, be proud.

    PS I'm also a girl with small bosom and I don't intend to ever have implants.

    Wan Ling

  12. Hi Eunice, I'm glad that you made this post to look at the positives of being a little flat-chested! I think it's great that you tell your readers like me that we shouldn't have to care about what anyone else thinks of our chest size/appearance, please keep it up! Just wanted to call you out on one thing though, as a reader of your of your blog - your use of the word "slutty" in point number 2. I understand that it was used light-heartedly, but the word entails a negative connotation that perpetuates the shame of (in this case) women who like to dress frivolously or sexily, which indirectly also perpetuates the shame of women who have a lot of sexual partners. I think it also contributes to the continuous use of the word (especially since many girls like me read your blog) as an acceptable 'insult', something to avoid being, you know? E.g., "oh, that girl's clothes are so slutty."
    As girls, I think we should work to empower other girls in our words and actions, which is why we should stop using words like 'slut' and 'slutty' on fellow women: words that have been used by people of any gender against women specifically, to shame them, to hate them, to silence them after they are sexually harassed. I recently realised that it contributes to the bigger, ubiquitous rape culture that we live in, and I want you to know as well: "Oh, she deserved to be rape - she was dressed like a slut", "she was asking for it", etc. Let's take such words out of our vocabulary and not (indirectly, in your case) critique other women on their dressing so as to set an example that no one else can either! :-)

  13. Hi!!!! I'm new to your blog and this post happens to be the first post that attracted my attention(probably because I'm flat-chested?). In my personal opinion,I'm super glad to be flat-chested because I can run around and not worry about my boobs jiggling like there's no tomorrow. :D I have quite a few friends who are blessed with big boobs but they were constantly complaining about how heavy it is etc. Hopefully my boobs don't grow any larger because I certainly do not want to have troubles fitting into tank tops without cleavage showing unintentionally :X Cheers to us who have small boobs! :D

    Qiao Ying :)

  14. Hi Eunice :) I'm 16 and I've the same problem with you (perhaps it's not a problem). These flat flat babies really make me lack of confidence especially when I was standing with the big boobs damn. And and and when they asked me why are my boobs so small i don't even know how to give a response. But your blog really makes me feel better. :> thanks


