
Friday, November 28, 2014

Sunsilk: #SunsilkHairHunt

As the year is coming to a close, it's time to reflect on what has happened. I think it is important to remember the good, be thankful to those who've helped you throughout the year so that we can look forward to a brand new year with more hope and joy. I shall start the series of posts with one of the major accomplishments I've achieved this year, and that's to be appointed as one of the ambassadors for Sunsilk Singapore :)

It has been an amazing journey so far with Sunsilk and I cannot be happier to be affiliated with a universal brand that projects so much fun and youthfulness. The sense of optimism you get from watching Sunsilk commercials or buying their products is the same optimism I want you to feel when you read my blog. Like their vision to ensure that you girls are kept happy and confident, I too have that same vision. 

All in all, being apart of the Sunsilk team has boosted my confidence level to more than 100%. The entire journey has made me realised that dreams really do come true. I know it may sound cliche but it's true! Sunsilk brought me to places I never thought a girl like me would ever be able to go. They've pushed boundaries and dared to be different, and that's exactly what I want to do as well. Being an ambassador for Sunsilk was one the major highlights for me in 2014, here's the low-down on what happened ;)

In early 2014, right after my birthday to be exact, Asyiha, Rachel, Naomi and I were appointed ambassadors of Sunsilk! As a blogger, being an ambassador for a brand is probably one the best things that could ever happen for your career, but what made it even better in this case, was having other fellow blogging friends in the same boat as you. That only means MORE FUN! 

When I first got the news, I was thrilled and super honoured. Before this happened, I was sent to New York the year before for a Sunsilk shoot just as a representative and because of that, I already knew what a huge brand Sunsilk is. I really wanted a spot as their ambassador so when I got it, I was literally beaming from ear to ear, I was the happiest girl alive.

Our first assignment was a shoot for Cleo magazine. Each of us represent different variants from the Sunsilk range and I was so excited to be the face of the Smooth and Manageable variant which was of course packaged in pink bottles. hehehe. This meant that for all of the Sunsilk shoots or events, I could wear my favourite colour! ;)

Here are some behind the scenes photos I picked out from my old posts. If you'd like to read more about my Susilk journey, just click on the "Sunsilk" tab on the right side of my blog.

One of the proudest moment my family and I had- when my face appeared on the cover of a mini booklet that comes with every purchase of Cleo magazine! My mom bought about 3 copies and she still has them all kept safely in a file together with all the other articles I've been featured on. I'll never forget that moment when I saw those booklets for the first time, I knew then that 2014 was gonna be an awesome year. It was the best birthday present I could ask for.

Some time after that shoot, we were set for our next task -  the annual Sunsilk Pop-Up Salon! It's basically a place anyone can get their hair styled in just a few minutes. The girls and I threw a little contest before the event and managed to style several of YOUR hairs! It was such a pleasure meeting all of you who came down to show your support and it was definitely an enriching experience for me as well because I walked away with some styling tips I'd learnt from the experts. 

The Sunsilk Pop-Up Salon instalment will be back again in 2015, make sure you don't miss out on it this time! For more information, head over to Sunsilk's Facebook page ---> <3

First time seeing a blown up image of myself in a public space. One of the proudest moments of my life! hehehe.

Asyiha, Rachel and I getting our hairs styled!

Asyiha and I styling YOUR hair with our high heels on. HAHA. It was so much fun!

JENG JENG JENG!!!! Here's the best thing Sunsilk has ever done for me- Bringing me to NYC for the second time! I LOVEEEEEE New York and anyone who've been there would definitely agree with me on this. New York changes your perspective on life (in a good way), I'm not kidding. That city opens your eyes and pushes you to work towards your dreams. It's such an inspirational city filled with lovely people and I was so honoured to be chosen by Sunsilk to head down again for the second time ;) 

Only this year's trip was a little more exciting because I got to travel up with Audrey and Shawn! <3
No more lonely flights. hehehe. You've probably already read about my experience in NYC so I shall not repeat them again here. If you haven't read about it, click on the "Sunsilk" tab on the right side of my blog! I've included vlogs too ;)

Here are some of my favourite shots!

The Manhattan sunset was so gorgeous.

Reunited with Yuko! Expert of the Smooth and Management variant that I'm representing!:)

Sunsilk colours make me happy :)

Our dear photographer, Anna Wolf! Such an enthusiastic lady, it was an honour working with her.

A Sunsilk shoot isn't complete until you have colourful candies around! YUM!

Looking out into the Hudson River with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background. Dreams do come true!

Sunsilk shoots are always fun because you can be as silly as you want to be! Happy girls are the prettiest girls!

With some of the VERY important people behind the entire shoot. Without them, it wouldn't even happen <3

With Teddy Charles! My expert for this year :) 

Reunited with Sherry <3 One of my favourite things about the shoot was making new friends.

All of the Sunsilk experts and I :)

With darling Audrey <3

Quite recently, Rachel and I were invited by Channel U to be featured on some of their Style Check-In episodes. We were somewhat co-hosting alongside MediaCorp artiste Carrie, teaching the viewers some tips and tricks on how to keep our manes looking good. 

It wasn't a very demanding job though I was super tired because the shoot was held right in the middle of my shoot in Malaysia. So I had to come back to Singapore specially for this. Hence, I am super grateful to everyone who tried their best to make it go as smooth as possible. My episodes will be telecast soon so make sure you catch it alright!:)

Some BTS shots.


That sums up my year as a Sunsilk ambassador! Four major events that I will never EVER forget. Sunsilk has done wonderful things for the girls and I, so this festive season, we would like to give back to our readers! We wouldn't be ambassadors without your continuous love and support so we'll be hosting a little contest where you could win a staycation at The New Majestic Hotel or maybe even a trip to Hong Kong!

It's hosted on my Instagram page @euniceannabel (use your phone!) and is called #SunsilkHairHunt! You have to simply find out where my OOTDs were taken at. Here's what you have to do:

1)    Find out where I was when these photos were taken! (Hint- use location map function)

2) Screenshot the location and post it on your own Instagram account and hashtag #SunsilkHairHunt

3)    All correct entries will stand a chance to win a staycation at The New Majestic Hotel in a lucky draw.

What are you waiting for? Head over to my Instagram page for more details!

What better way to end the year with a staycation. The New Majestic Hotel is a rather new boutique hotel that I absolutely love, with just a few simple steps, you could experience it too :)
Have fun and good luck girls!

